

Rights to remember NEW HN,CONNECTICUTOne element of this doctrine is what I call "Achilles and his heel". September 11th brought uponAmerica, as once uponAchilles, a schizophrenic sense of both exceptional power and exceptional vulnerability. Never has a superpower seemed so powerful and so vulnerable at the same time. TheBush doctrine asked: "How can we use our superpower resources to protect our vulnerability "The administration has also radically shifted its emphasis on human rights. In 1941, FranklinDelano Roosevelt called the allies to arms by painting a vision of the world we were trying to make: a post-war world of four fundamental freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, freedom from fear.This framework foreshadowed the post-war human-rights construct-embedded in the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights and subsequent international covenants that emphasised comprehensive protection of civil and political rights (freedom of speech and religion), economic, social and cultural rights (freedom from want), and freedom from gross violations and persecution (the RefugeeConvention, the GenocideConvention and the TortureConvention).ButBush administration officials have now reprioritised "freedom from fear" as the number-one freedom we need to preserve. Freedom from fear has become the obsessive watchword ofAmerica’’s human-rights policy.Witness five faces of a human-rights policy fixated on freedom from fear.

A、 Two core tenets of a post-Watergate world had been that our government does not spy on its citizens, and thatAmerican citizens should see what our government is doing.But since September 11th, classification of government documents has risen to new heights.The PatriotAct, passed almost without dissent after September 11th, authorises theDefenceDepartment to develop a project to promote something called "total information awareness". Under this programme, the government may gather huge amounts of information about citizens without proving they have done anything wrong. They can access a citizen’’s records-whether telephone, financial, rental, internet, medical, educational or library-without showing any involvement with terrorism. Internet service providers may be forced to produce records based solely on FBI declarations that the information is for an anti-terrorism investigation.Many absurdities follow: the LawyersCommittee for Human Rights, in a study published in September, reports that 20American peace activists, including nuns and high-school students, were recently flagged as security threats and detained for saying that they were travelling to a rally to protest against military aid toColombi
A、The entire high-school wrestling team of Juneau,Alaska, was held up at airports seven times just because one member was the son of a retiredCoast Guard officer on the FBI watch-list.
B、After September 11th, 1,200 immigrants were detained, more than 750 on charges based solely on civil immigration violations. The JusticeDepartment’’s own inspector — general called the attorney — general’’s enforcement of immigration laws "indiscriminate and haphazard". The Immigration and Naturalisation Service, which formerly had a mandate for humanitarian relief as well as for border protection, has been converted into an arm of theDepartment of Homeland Security.The impact on particular groups has been devastating. The number of refugees resettled inAmerica declined from 90,000 a year before September 11th to less than a third that number, 27,000, this year. The Pakistani population ofAtlanticCounty, New Jersey has fallen by half. C、 Some 660 prisoners from 42 countries are being held in GuantanamoBay, some for nearly two years. Three children are apparently being detained, including a 13-year-old, several of the detainees are aged over 70, and one claims to be over 100.Courtrooms are being b










