解析:Anna, Oleg, Peter, Rosa and Viktori

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【分析解答题】Anna, Oleg, Peter, Rosa and Viktoria are partners working together in a general partnership. The business has been operating profitably for two years. However, there have been arguments between the partners about the amount of work each contributes to the business.At an informal meeting attended byAnna, Oleg, Rosa and Viktoria, it was suggested that Peter had been putting much less effort into the business than the other partners.Anna suggested that steps be taken to dismiss Peter from the partnership. Oleg and Rosa agreed with this proposal, but Viktoria was opposed to this, arguing that Peter contributed valuable ideas to the business. They agreed to discuss the matter in the near future.
A、few days after the meeting,Anna died in an accident.Anna’s daughter Svetlana, her legal heir, subsequently made it clear that she wished to take overAnna’s position in the partnership. None of the surviving partners wished to work with Svetlana, who had no relevant business experience.Required: (b)Explain whether the partners can prevent Svetlana from becoming a partner. (5 marks)
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