
1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10题:The Scientific Approach to Recruitment
When it (0) to selecting candidates through interview, more often than not the decision is made within the first five minutes of a meeting. Yet employers like to (21) themselves that they are being exceptionally thorough in their selection processes. In today’s competitive market place, the (22) of staff in many organizations is fundamental to the company’s success and, as a result , recruiters use all means at their disposal to (23) the best in the field.
One method in particular that has (24) in popularity is testing , either psychometric testing, which attempts to define psychological characteristics , or ability£aptitude testing (25) an organization with an extra way of establishing a candidate’s suitability for a role. It (26) companies to add value by identifying key elements of a position and then testing candidates to ascertain their ability against those identified elements.
The employment of psychometric or ability testing as one (27) of the recruitment process may have some merit, but in reality there is no real (28), scientific or otherwise, of the potential future performance of any individual. The answer to this problem is experience in interview techniques and strong definition of the elements of each position to be (29) as the whole recruitment process is based on few real certainties, the instinctive decisions that many employers make, based on a CT and the first five minutes of a meeting, are probably no less valid than any other tool employed in the (30) of recruitment.
Example :
A have B decide C do D make
0A B C D
21.A suggest B convince C advise D believe
22.A worth B credit C quality D distinction
23.A secure B relies C attain D achieve
24.A lifted B enlarged C expanded D risen
25.A provides B offers C contributes D gives
26.A lets B enables C agrees D admits
27. A portion B member C share D component
28. A extent B size C amount D measure
29.A occupied B met C filled D appointed
30 A business B topic C point D affair

11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20题: There was good news in Carter & Sons’ annual (0) yesterday. Three years of restructuring (21) in an upbeat statement from the company in advance of the official announcement of its interim (22) due early in August. The chairman, David Carter, reported a “ strong start to the year”, which, although helped by a rather weak (23) period last year, highlighted the logic of refocusing the group on growth sectors. Three years ago the company (24) a review of all its operations in view of the serious financial difficulties that it was (25) As a result of this, its car (26) business was sold to an American group, and its car sales and repair divisions were (27) down so as to allow the company to (28) on the sale of vans and heavy goods vehicles. Three new showrooms have been opened in the UK and Ireland , and the sales (29) has more than doubled in the last two years.
Growth in business across the group has gone up by almost 12 per cent in the first half of the year. This should reassure investors that Carter & Sons is now on (30) to deliver increased earning in the years ahead.
Example :
A report B Notice C account D information
21 A terminated B culminated C accomplished D completed
22 A economics B finances C outcomes D results
23 A relative B alike C comparative D equivalent
24 A commissioned B assigned C delegated D appointed
25 A dealing B facing C undertaking D withstanding
26 A additions B extras C accessories D supplements
27 A scaled B marked C slowed D put
28 A emphasise B concentrate C specialize D strengthen
29 A bonus B pack c force D band
30 A way B path C road D track

21、22、23、24、25、26题: The Danish electronics manufacturer, Oticon, is a leader in the move towards the paperless office, In their cafeteria a huge glass pipe runs from ceiling to floor. When the mail comes in, it is immediately scanned into the computer, shredded, and thrown down the tube to the general cheers of the employees. (0) Having all mail and memos available only as computer files to be read on the screen makes it easy to dispense with large physical storage spaces for people who work at desks (9)
Changing over to the paperless office required a rapid increase in computer literacy, but rather than set up a corporate training programme they turned the problem over to employees. Eight months before the system was installed , they offered each employee a powerful personal computer for use at home in exchange for training themselves to use it. (10)
The big change was not the move from paper memos to computer messages. Oticon realised that the more radical transformation is from written to verbal communication.(11) that adds up to a large number of face-to-face exchanges, a big improvement over memos and the occasional multi-hour sit-down consultation typical of the old culture. People do not send each other memos, they talk. As the CEO puts it, “ We have jumped through the memo wall and gone right to action.”
On the eighth of August 1991 , the company left their old wood-panelled offices .(12) Since then they have cut in half the “ time to market” on new products. The following year, sales and profits grew more than ever before. (13) in fact, despite a downsizing of 15 per cent employee satisfaction is hitting record highs.
Oticon has created an organizational pattern that supports great freedom iof action for individuals and terms. They have tied it together with a minimum hierarchy.
The first clear results to show up were in the greater efficiencies generated by the fact that less time needed to be spent on management activities . (14) they also have some investment in the success of the project they choose. Oticon has succeeded in breaking the mould mould and taking a lead in non-bureaucratic organizational design.
Example :
A This saving was possible because when people have real choice in the nature of their jobs, they commit themselves to being responsible for their areas of choice.
B They were headed for a new building and a new era in communication.
C Instead, they have large private areas on their hard disks for their correspondence.
D In spite of this, the physical office layout at Oticon is one of its most charming features.
E Over 90 per cent accepted , and they organized a club to help one another learn.
F To facilitate this, the on-site coffee bars have now become the venue for about twenty meetings a day, averaging ten minutes and 2.7 participants each.
G So, are people happy with the change”
H Only about ten documents a day, items like legal contracts, escape this treatment.

27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34题:Gianni Agnelli ,Chairman of Fiat , Italy’s largest private industrial corporation ,is known in Italy as the lawyer ,because he trained in law at Turin University. ____example____he has never practiced , his training may soon be useful. On April 17th Mr. Agnelli admitted to a group of Italian industrialists in Venice ____21____ Fiat had been ____22 ____ in some corruptions in Italy. On April 21st, Fiat’s lawyers and Cesare Romiti , its managing director , met Milan magistrates to ____ 23 ____ the firm’s involvement in bribery to win business from state-owned companies.
Fiat is not the ____24____ Italian company caught up in Italy’s increasing Political corruption scandal. According to the latest figure ,some 200 businessmen and politicians were sitting in prison ____25 ____ a result of judicial inquiries into kickbacks paid to politicians by firms. Hundreds more are still____26____influence of Fiat, ____27____sales are equal to 4/00 of Italy’s home product ,the scandal at the company has ____28____the industrial establishment.

21. A what B that C when D if
22. A involved B connected C related D done
23. A talk B say C speak D discuss
24. A one B single C worst D only
25. A as B for C with D after
26. A in B under C at D on
27. A who B which C whose D its
28. A rocked B ruined C damaged D destroyed


35题: “losing your job isn’t the end of the world: it gives you’re the chance the a new beginning (0) says Caroline Poole, 30, Who was made redundant (31) her role as head of marketing campaigns with an insurance group two years ago. The news was a blow, especially after a successful nine-year career with the business, but she was determined to see redundancy (32) a positive force for change.
(33) it seemed a tough lesson at the time, redundancy was the catalyst that redirected my career, “ says Caroline “It gave me the break I needed to understand (34) my career objectives lay.”
Working with a consultant, Caroline explored a number of work options that oppealed to her. She also took advantage of workshops on issues (35) as setting up your own business, and managing your finances. A key consideration for her was (36) easy it would be to balance working in London with home life 100 kilometers away.
She was encouraged to network (37) other marketing professionals and via this route made contact with a communications agency. She took time out to go travelling , and on her return was offered a role in the agency. (38) was proof to her that she still had marketable skills.
Two years (39) from redundancy, Caroline is planning another career break . “ The experience of redundancy has made me view my options with more confidence. I now know that I can dictate my own career path, even (40) it were to mean resigning first and then taking time to find the right direction” she says.




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