
1题:Most of the world's business in marine insurance is centred ....√.... 
in London though whatever there one other important markets ....whatever....
Ph.d. or equivalent in economics. In addition to the degree, applicants 
36. beyond entry level must have to have post Ph.D. experience that 
37. demonstrates strong applied economics background and analytical 
38. skill for solving problems solutions; research competence in the area of 
39. resources, microeconomic development. Applicants must be able articulate. 
40. have strong writing abilities, have ability to communicate well and that work
successfully in a multinational research setting.

2、3、4、5、6题:Our new and improved Bravo series of personal computers is designed to do calculations in a new way. . .. . ..example . . . . . . 
For example , the new Bravo MT has the same features of Intel's very fast Pentium 60MHz microprocessor. It's all the power you need to run an entire workgroup or the latest graphics-intensive programs, and processes even the most complicated mathematical calculations five times faster than the DX2/66. ...... 8...... It's perfect for the power user who demands high performance at an attractive price point. 
Also new from AST is our latest generation of Bravo LC desktops, a value line of energy efficient 486 personal computers. Our entire Bravo LC family ,while still affordable, has new muscle--Intel 486 microprocessors up to 100 MHz and a VESA Local Bus slot. Today, it's fast, tomorrow it could be even faster, if you choose to raise it to Intel's Pentium Over Drive processor. How about more performance in less space? The Bravo LP is a low profile 486 , loaded with award-winning engineering. ... ... 9 ... ... And the graphics RAM can be enlarged to ZMB for 64-bit processing. 
Our new Bravo NB notebook computers, recently named the number one of the 20 world's top notebook computers ,are some of our best examples of the Bravo family. ... ...10 ... ... It is particularly ideal for small businesses ,home offices ,and mobile users. 
With Bravo , there's something for everyone. Including high value , performance , and the most responsive around the-clock phone support anywhere. ... ... 11 ... ... 
By the way ,our 486 Bravos are all approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.... ... 12... ...For an AST reseller near you ,please call 800 876- 4 AST.
Example: C
A. Would you expect anything from the world's fifth largest (and growing )personal computer company? 
B. In addition ,you'll find .yourself in the enjoyment of free maintenance and 
C. If you want speed, power, expandability, and dazzling graphics performance at a very affordable price, you'll find it in our Bravo personal computers. 
D. The MT also comes with two AL-slots for graphic upgrades and installed windows-based software solutions. 
E. So , you'll save energy , money ,and perhaps a few trees. 
F. For instance, innovative security features help you keep your most confidential work to yourself. 
G. As a result, you need a certificate issued by the Environment Protection Agency if you buy a personal computer. 
H. The Bravo NB4/33 is even thinner, lighter ,faster , and more affordable- using very little power with a longer battery life. 
I. Finally, the DX2/66 is inferior to our Bravo MT in speed, function and 
graphics performance.

7、8、9、10、11、12、13题:1. The share prices were influenced by the improvement of the two countries' 
2. Over the week ,turnover rose by T $ 5. 83bn. 
3. Many people went to buy capitalization stocks. 
4. In the beginning many foreign shareholders buy blue chips at high prices. 
5. Price was lower after shareholders sold stocks in industrials to make profit. 
6. On Thursday price dropped and then rose again. 
7. The falling of composite index rose by 1. 3 per cent on the week.
A. Bangkok rose 2 per cent on the day and 3.4 per cent over the week as buyers moved in to large market capitalization stocks. The SET index rose 27.55 to 1,383.57 in turnover of Bt 8.5 bn, down from Thursday's Bt 10bn.
B. Taipei was pulled lower by late profit-taking in industrials after Thursday's rebound ,and the weighted index fell 45.59 to 5,806.77, or 1.7 per cent, over the week. Turnover rose to T $41.51 bn from T $ 35. 78bn.
C. Manila opened strongly on foreign buying of blue chips but dipped at the close as profits were taken. The composite index fell 10.07 to 2 ,907. 00 , 1.3 per cent higher on the week
D. Hong Kong finished a mixed day slightly lower ,sapped by profit-taking on confirmation of US renewal of China's MFN trade status and concerns over the lower domestic property market. The Hang Seng index fell 11.58 to close at 9,470.13, 1.7 per cent lower on the week.

14题:Because we Turks are famous for hospitality, you may just find yourself. . . √. . . 
Thinking therefore we're an important centre of modern civililzation. . . therefore. . .
For centuries, istanbul was the ce4tre of ancient civitisation. And today 
36. it's easy to see why. Although much has changed, but Istabul is still 
37. very central when traveling to the Middle East or Asia. And possibly 
38. it's very central to the enjoyment of your trip as well as. On Turkish 
39. Airlines ,you'll have the comfort of our modern planes which offer 
40. to you extra room for your legs and wide Business Class seating ,not to 
mention the ordinary recreations.

15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22题:This letter is in regard to the window glass business between our firm and the China National Light industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, Daren Branch and the Daren Window Glass Factory. 
1. Our two sides sincerely worked in the past and the window glass business has already been done successfully. However, the quantity of products doesn't meet our requirements. This company wants to develop the trade and business further in this line. We now expect to begin working with all the other branches and window glass factories on the same basis ,i. e. compensation trade. 
2. For the U. S. A. market, we require very large quantities of small cut sizes. Therefore, we are asking your prompt assistance to help us out in expanding glass-cutting business. We would highly appreciate it if you take this matter into consideration. We are certain that ,with your prompt cooperation, our purchases of Chinese window glass for sale in the U. S. A. market will very quickly increase to a large and substantial volume. With the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries ,the time is now right for a very quick and large increase in trade between us. 
3. For your information, we are doing everything possible to cooperate in achieving our mutual goal of making the window glass business a very large one. We have offered to purchase various equipment for your Dairen factory which will increase its products, improve quality and raise its efficiency. We have offered to accept payment for this machinery in the form of buy-back of glass. We have also cooperated with the factory in making suggestions for better efficient packing and containerization. The factory has been very cooperative and receptive to our ideas. As we want to begin our business with the other branches too ,we plan to offer the same suggestions and proposals to purchase machinery for them. 
4. From this letter, you can see that we are very sincere in our desire for a long-term relationship between our two countries and our firm and the various branches of the China National Light industrial Products Import and Export Corporation, Window Glass Departments . 
During our next visit to China, we will discuss the appointment of our firm as the exclusive agent for Chinese Window Glass in the U. S. A. market. Since we have discussed this question in the past ,we expect that the official appointment of our firm as the exclusive agent will be made during our next trip. 
Thank you for your prompt attention to the above. Best regards. 
Sincerely yours , 
Norman Goldstein 
Associates , INC
Questions 13-16 
. For questions 13-16 ,choose the correct title for each paragraph from the box below. 
. For each paragraph(1-4) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet. 
. Do not mark any letter twice. 
13. Paragraph 1.......... . 
14. Paragraph 2.......... 
15. Paragraph 3. ......... 
16. Paragraph 4..... . . .. .
A Our hope for a long-term relationship 
B Our successful cooperation in the past 
C The diplomatic relations between our two countries
D Our wish to increase the quantity of products 
E Our need of help in glass-cutting 
F Our goal to make the window glass business large 
G Improvement of equipment in Chinese factories
Questions l7-20 
. Using the information in the test ,complete each sentence 17-20 ,with a phrase from the list below (A-G). 
. For each sentence(17-20) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet. 
. Do not mark any letter twice.
17. When we visit your country again next time ,we hope you'11. . . . . . 
18. On the basis of compensation trade ,we are going to. . . . . . 
19. In order to enlarge our window glass business, we're doing our best to. . . . . . 
20. To other branches that have business with us, we'll. . . . . .
A take this problem into consideration. 
B develop and expand the trade and business further. 
C make our company the sole agent in China. 
D offer to buy equipment for them. 
E accept payment for this equipment. 
F start cooperation with other branches and factories. 
G cooperate with you and realize our common dream.




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