
1、2、3、4、5、6、7题:The company invests a large sum of money in high technology. 
Answer: E 
1. It is engaged in the expansion of a telecommunications line. 
2. No other steel industries have such a high rating. . 
3. The company is the chief holder of a British company's shares. 
4. As much as forty million U. S. dollars are invested in Taiwan. 
5. It has business transactions with an American company. 
6. The company gets a very high interest rate from its stocks. 
7. Agreements were signed between two companies about technological cooperation.
A. Telecom Asia Corporation Limited (Thailand ) 
-It serves as international advisor in connection with the debt and equity financing for a US $3 billion telephone line expansion project in Bangkok. (Current)
B. Singapore Telecom international Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) 
- It acquires its 50/00 interest in Cambridge Holding Ltd. ,the controlling shareholder of Cambridge Cable Ltd. of the U. K. (6/1992)
C. Pohang Iron 6 Steel Co. ,Ltd. (Korea) . 
In connection with its ratings with Standard & Poor's and Moody's investor Services. The company obtained the highest rating of any steei company in the world. (II/1991)
D. Goldstar Co. ,Ltd. (Korea) 
In its investiment in ,and technology agreements with ,Zenith Electronics of the U. S. -the first transaction of this type in Korea. (2/1991 )
E. Concord Venture Capital Co. , Ltd.(Taiwan) ' 
-Structured ,marketed to investors and made a principal investment in the Fund with total equity of NT $ 940 million(US $ 40 million) to invest in Taiwanese high-technology venture capital opportunities. (I/1991)

8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15题:When Sir John Quinton, then chairman of Barclays Bank, was given his marching orders last April, Britain's biggest bank thought it had found the scapegoat for its sudden fall from grace and profits ,Andrew Buxton, the bank's managing director and an offspring of its founding families ,was a pointed chairman and chief executive ,with effect from January 1st of next year. It seemed a glorious victory for good business management. Is the problem solve do Certainly not.
1. No sooner had Mr. Buxton been appointed chairman and chief executive than big 
shareholders and quite a few board members began quietly to question his ability to do both jobs at once. Now ,weeks before he is due to move up ,the questions are louder. Many wish the bank had seized the opportunity Lasy April to separate the two top posts. And privately. Some wonder whether Mr. Buxton is the right man for either one. What started as a thoroughly British Whispering Campaign has assumed much bigger dimensions..
2. Mr. Buxton has suffered it all ,but in truth he has no way out. After weeks of talking to shareholders and discussing with his non-executive directors ,he has accepted that Barclays will separate the top jobs sometimes in the future. How7 He says that there has been no formal discussion of it in the boardroom.
3. Formally or informally, it has been agreed that Mr. Buxton will not be moved from his chairmanship, and that Barclays must find a strong chief executive. Opinions differ as to whether this person should be chosen from inside or outside the bank. Several board members believe that there is no ideal candidate inside Barclays.
4. Neither shareholders nor non-executive directors want to wait long. If the right candidate can be found, the bank could combine the announcement of a new appointment with its annual results at the end of March. Mr Buxton stressed the importance of getting this next step right, particularly since any appointment will mean overturning a management reorganization that was announced only eight months ago.
Questions 13-16 
. For questions 13- 16 ,choose the correct title for each paragraph from the box below. 
. For each paragraph(l-4) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet. 
. De not mark any letter twice. 
13. Paragraph 1 . . . . . . . . . . 
14. Paragraph 2 . . . . . . . . . . 
l5. Paragraph 3 . . . . . . . . . . 
16. Paragraph 4 . . . . . . . . . .
A Problems facing Mr. Buxton 
B Proposals for candidates of the chief executive 
C Lack of ideal candidate inside Barclays 
D Buxton's agreement to give up one of his two top jobs 
E Doubts about Buxton's ability for two top jobs 
F Anxieties about choosing the right candidates 
G Objections to Buxton's ideas
Questions 17-20 
. Using the information in the text ,complete each sentence 17- 20 ,with a phrase from the list below (A-G) 
. For each sentence (17-20) mark one letter(A-G) on your Answer Sheet. 
. Do not mark any letter twice. 
17. Mr. Buxton is persuaded that the bank needs to. . . . . . 
18. if they can find the right candidate ,they could. . . . . . 
19. Mr..Buxton will retain his chairmanship ,and the bank must. . . . . . 
20. At the news of Mr. Buxton's appointment ,many people started to. . . . . .
A combine the news of the appointment with its annual results. 
B believe no suitable candidates can be found in the bank. 
C question his ability to hold two leading positions. 
D find a very able chief executive. 
E mean overturning a management reorganization. . 
F differ as to the sources for the right candidate. 
G separate the two top jobs sometime later.


16题:We have to hold you responsibility for the loss we've been made to sustain. . . responsible. . .
This serves to authorize the Chairman of the F. T. Arbitration Commission to 
41. appoint an arbitrator on behave of this corporation to settle the dispute 
42. existed between the plaintiff and the defendant ,concerning the defendant's. 
43. failure to meet their oblige under contracts concluded for the supply of 
44. 8,000 metric tons of Aluminium ingots. Should the defendant failing to 
45. appoint an arbitrator with in the time specific by the F. T. Arbitration . 
Commission ,this corporation would have an arbitrator appointed for 
the defendant.

17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31题:. One answer has been given as an example.
Three Bootleggers Jailed 
Three men who ran a cross-channel smuggling group ,selling cheap. 
French beer ,wine and champagne in Britain ,were jailed yesterday. 
The men were leaders of an 11-man group which made at least 42......example......on the Dover-Calais ferry in three months.
Trucks of cheap drink were brought into the country and sold ... ...21 ... ...at Sunday market, And corner shops in South Wales , Two secret teams of customs officers ... ... 22... ...vehicles between Kent and Cardiff in an operation called "chancer". Eleven men admitted their part in a.. ...23... ...to avoid paying duty on beer and spirits.
Mr. Roger Thomas said it was ......24 ...... that 70, 000pounds of unpaid duty was involved between January and April last year when the gang was ...... 25 ......the smuggling group. Cases of beer, wine and champagne were brought to a rented warehouse in Cardiff before being ...... 26 ...... to traders. Mr. Richard Nichols, a former market trader, Mr. Qichard Spencer ,a shopowner, and Mr Raymond Tout , were put in prison for ... ... 27... ..of nine, four and three months ...... 28 ...... Judge Michael Burr said the group had used "an army of helpers "in an organized conspiracy to make ... ... 29 ... ... money. He ordered six other men to carry out community service and conditionally .. ... 30... ...two others who had played a lesser role.
After the ...... 31 ..... customs investigators said that the group made as many as four cross channel trips a day ... .. 32... ... to a hypermarket near Calais. They went into business only three weeks after the new customs laws came into ...... 33......on New Year's day last year. The investigators added : "We hope these jail .. ... 34... ...will be a big help to tackle this . ...35... ...crime which is causing concern to the retail industry.
A. holidays B. tours C. trips D. voyages 
Answer: C
21. A. lawfully B. secretly C. legally D. illegally 
22. A. tracked B. travelled C. saw D. watched 
23. A. accident B. conspiracy C. hope D. dream 
24. A. calculated B. considered C. counted D. estimated 
25. A. meeting B. talking C. organizing D. using 
26. A. moved B. rented C. distributed D. using 
27. A. times B. lengths C. terms D. periods 
28. A. each B. altogether C. long D. respectively 
29. A. hard B. easy C. comfortable D. simple 
30. A. closed B. discharged C. opened D. liberated 
31. A. trial B. sentence C. accident D. case 
32. A. occasionally B. particularly C. mainly D. consequently 
33. A. being B. force C. strength D. use 
34. A. words B. sentences C. phrases D. punishment 
35. A. widespread B. terrible C. serious D. rare

32题:Because we Turks are famous for hospitality, you may just find yourself. . . √. . . 
Thinking therefore we're an important centre of modern civililzation. . . therefore. . .
For centuries, istanbul was the ce4tre of ancient civitisation. And today 
36. it's easy to see why. Although much has changed, but Istabul is still 
37. very central when traveling to the Middle East or Asia. And possibly 
38. it's very central to the enjoyment of your trip as well as. On Turkish 
39. Airlines ,you'll have the comfort of our modern planes which offer 
40. to you extra room for your legs and wide Business Class seating ,not to 
mention the ordinary recreations.




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