
1题:Your watch will be a masterpiece ,reflected your value. . . . reflecting. . . . .
For more than a century any a half, Patek Phillippe has been known 
41. as the finest watch in the world. The reason is simple that this 
42. Watch is made differently. It is made by using technologies that 
43. other have lost or forgotten. If a particularly patek phillippe 
44. movement needs four years of continuous work to bring to perfect, 
45. we will teke four years The result will be a watch that is unlikely any other
watches you have ever seen.

2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16题:The dynamic developing economies of the world are ripe with potential. Not only have they ... ...example... ... extraordinary levels of ... ... 21 ... ... , but we believe this looks set continue , backed by ... ... 22 ... ... inflows of foreign investment. Fidelity Emerging Mark, Fund is ... ..23... ... to help you capitalize on this promising outlook. 
The ......24... ... to real success in Emerging Markets is research and resources, of Fidelity's foremost ...... 25 ...... As the world's largest ..... 26 ...... investment management organization , we can draw upon a (n) ... ... 27 .. ... network of offices covering developing economies across Asia ,Latin America and Europe.
This local presence means we can ...... 28...... a hands-on approach ,searching out a capitalizing on investment ... ...29... ... as soon as they come to light. As a result, Fidelity I become one of the world's ...... 30...... names in emerging stockmarkets : where we ......31...... manage 5pounds billion ? 
So act now to ......32...... out more about the Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund ---and get the potential of these dynamic markets teamed with the strength of the Fidelity organization. For more ... ... 33 ... , call us , free of ... ... 34 ... ... , from any of the countries below. If you ... ...35... `.. elsewhere ,please use the UK number or post or fax the coupon.
A. denied B. climbed C. demonstrated D. mentioned 
Answer: C
21. A. growth B. decrease C. height D. diminish 
22. A. slow B. increasing C. reducing D. fast 
23. A. thought B. designed C. considered D. supposed 
24. A. road B. method C. reason D. key 
25. A. words B. slogans C. ways D. strengths 
26. A. independent B. wealthy C. prosperous D. national 
27. A. intensive B. thick C. narrow D. extensive 
28. A. move B. apply C. reply D. demand 
29. A. situations B. disadvantages C. opportunities D. conditions 
30. A. few B. many C. honourable D. leading 
31. A. currently B. formerly C. recently D. likely 
32. A. look B. discover C. find D. learn 
33. A. news B. data C. information D. knowledge 
34. A. money B. pay C. fee D. charge 
35. A. live B. wait C. talk D. sleep

17题:Because we Turks are famous for hospitality, you may just find yourself. . . √. . . 
Thinking therefore we're an important centre of modern civililzation. . . therefore. . .
For centuries, istanbul was the ce4tre of ancient civitisation. And today 
36. it's easy to see why. Although much has changed, but Istabul is still 
37. very central when traveling to the Middle East or Asia. And possibly 
38. it's very central to the enjoyment of your trip as well as. On Turkish 
39. Airlines ,you'll have the comfort of our modern planes which offer 
40. to you extra room for your legs and wide Business Class seating ,not to 
mention the ordinary recreations.

18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32题:. One answer has been given as an example.
Three Bootleggers Jailed 
Three men who ran a cross-channel smuggling group ,selling cheap. 
French beer ,wine and champagne in Britain ,were jailed yesterday. 
The men were leaders of an 11-man group which made at least 42......example......on the Dover-Calais ferry in three months.
Trucks of cheap drink were brought into the country and sold ... ...21 ... ...at Sunday market, And corner shops in South Wales , Two secret teams of customs officers ... ... 22... ...vehicles between Kent and Cardiff in an operation called "chancer". Eleven men admitted their part in a.. ...23... ...to avoid paying duty on beer and spirits.
Mr. Roger Thomas said it was ......24 ...... that 70, 000pounds of unpaid duty was involved between January and April last year when the gang was ...... 25 ......the smuggling group. Cases of beer, wine and champagne were brought to a rented warehouse in Cardiff before being ...... 26 ...... to traders. Mr. Richard Nichols, a former market trader, Mr. Qichard Spencer ,a shopowner, and Mr Raymond Tout , were put in prison for ... ... 27... ..of nine, four and three months ...... 28 ...... Judge Michael Burr said the group had used "an army of helpers "in an organized conspiracy to make ... ... 29 ... ... money. He ordered six other men to carry out community service and conditionally .. ... 30... ...two others who had played a lesser role.
After the ...... 31 ..... customs investigators said that the group made as many as four cross channel trips a day ... .. 32... ... to a hypermarket near Calais. They went into business only three weeks after the new customs laws came into ...... 33......on New Year's day last year. The investigators added : "We hope these jail .. ... 34... ...will be a big help to tackle this . ...35... ...crime which is causing concern to the retail industry.
A. holidays B. tours C. trips D. voyages 
Answer: C
21. A. lawfully B. secretly C. legally D. illegally 
22. A. tracked B. travelled C. saw D. watched 
23. A. accident B. conspiracy C. hope D. dream 
24. A. calculated B. considered C. counted D. estimated 
25. A. meeting B. talking C. organizing D. using 
26. A. moved B. rented C. distributed D. using 
27. A. times B. lengths C. terms D. periods 
28. A. each B. altogether C. long D. respectively 
29. A. hard B. easy C. comfortable D. simple 
30. A. closed B. discharged C. opened D. liberated 
31. A. trial B. sentence C. accident D. case 
32. A. occasionally B. particularly C. mainly D. consequently 
33. A. being B. force C. strength D. use 
34. A. words B. sentences C. phrases D. punishment 
35. A. widespread B. terrible C. serious D. rare

33、34、35、36、37、38、39题:1. You speak, while your secretary types down your words. 
2. You have to speak slowly and very clearly. 
3. One of these methods can be used when you are in a hurry. 
4. While dictating ,you use some tapes. 
5. One of the disadvantages of this method is that you are totally strange to the transcriber. 
6. The dictation is done with your speaking, a machine's recording, and your secretary's transcribing. 
7. The machine records your words and then provide the transcription.
A. Dictation to your own secretary-"live" dictation, taken by a person who becomes familiar with your dictating characteristics.
B. Dictation to a machine, with your secretary transcribing. 
Inexpensive cassette recorders provide great flexibility in dictation. 
You can dictate in the office, at home, in an automobile, in an airplane, and in any out-of-the-office situation. Your dictation tapes can be transcribed by being played back on modern transcribing equipment.
C. Dictation to a machine, with a word-processing center providing the transcription in this case, the transcriber will probably not be familiar with your dictation manners and peculiarities.
D. Other dictation methods, such as by telephone calls or by direct secretarial transcription at the typewriter. These methods are not routine but are used typically in "rush" situations. They require a slow voice speed and clear pronunciation.




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