
解析:A、visit possible new premises B、ob

来源:网考网商务英语 所有评论

A、visit possible new premises
B、observe working practices
C、hold job interviews
D、deal with a complaint
E、meet a new managerF. introduce new policiesG. supervise staff trainingH. sign a new contract

Man: Well, the whole thing was a serious challenge. I didn’t feel up to it in the first place. It wasn’t a good time to be asked to present the new policies to the stuff. We’ve decided to change the rules. They’d be applied in all the departments and it is believed to function well. The only thing is that the paper work was not prepared as expected and left me disoriented and underperformed in the meeting. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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