
解析:TheArt of Writing LettersLetters-wr

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【单选题】TheArt of Writing LettersLetters-writing is becoming a lost art --- in fact the practice of writing personal letters is diminishing (减少,降低) to such an extent today that they threaten to become extinct (灭绝的,消失的). Since daily events are communicated by newspapers, radio, television and e-mails with great accuracy and dispatch, the circulation of general news --- which formed the chief reason for letters in the stagecoach (驿站马车;定期公共马车) and sailing –vessel days --- has no part in the hurried correspondence of the twenty-first century. Yet people do write letters, and there are still some who possess a gift (才能) for the fresh turn of phrase (措辞,表达方式) that we see in old letters. It may be, though, that in the past the average writing was no better than the average of today, for naturally, the unusually gifted letters are the ones that have been preserved for us over the years.Most people who wonder how they will ever fill a blank sheet of paper find that the difficult part of a letter is the beginning. The instruction of a professor ofEnglish --- “Begin at the beginning of what you have to say, go on until you have finished, and then stop”--- is just about as much help as was the instruction of the artist who proclaimed, “You simply take a little of the right color paint and put it on the right spot.” Perhaps the following suggestions will be more helpful.Even someone who loves the sight of your handwriting could hardly be expected to enjoy a letter beginning, “I know I ought to have written sooner, but I haven’t had anything to write about.” Or one saying, “I suppose you think I have been very neglectful, but you know how I hate to write letters.” Yet such sentences are written time and again by people who are utterly unaware that they are really expressing an unfriendly thought.It is easy enough to begin a letter in answer to one that has just been receiveD、You have fresh new to comment on and the impulse (冲动) to reply needs no prodding (激发,激励). Nothing can be simpler than to say, “We were all so pleased to get your letter on Tuesday,” or “Your letter was so very welcome.” Then you take up the various subjects in the letter, which should certainly launch you upon topics of your own.Remember to answer all of the writer’s specific questions. It is not only unflattering (不讨人喜欢的) to be given the impression that you read them hurriedly, but often very upsetting if long-awaited information is not forthcoming (即将到来的).Just as the beginning of a letter should give the reader an impression of greeting, so should its ending express friendly or affectionate leave-taking. Nothing can be worse than to flounder (犹豫或出错误) for an idea that will effect your escape. “Well, I guess you have read enough of this,” and “You’re probably bored by now, so I’d better close” are obvious phrases of desperation. “The mountains were beautiful at sunset” is also a bad closing sentence because it means nothing personal to either of you.But if you add, “They reminded me of when we were all inColorado together,” you have established a connection, and you can go on to finish, “How I wish we were together again now.”When you leave a good friend’s house you don’t have to invent a special sentence in order to say good-bye. Leave-taking in a letter is the same. In personal letters to friends or family it is not necessary to use the standard forms of closing. One of the following is fine:Will write again in a day or two.Only have twenty minutes to get to work! So good-bye for now. Counting the hours till next weekenD、 What is the easy way to start in answer to a letter you have just received according to the passage
A、To ask questions about the daily news.

B、To provide information of your own.

C、To show your pleasure on receiving the letter.
D.To apologize for your failure in writing back in time.


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