
解析:Learn toBe a Team Player A、wise m

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【单选题】Learn toBe a Team Player
A、wise man once said to a young novice, "The best way to limit your accomplishments is to try doing everything by yourself."
A、simple statement, yet it has (21) implications. The result is evident when you work with others: You (22) your effectiveness. You achieve bigger success. You and your team can go far. In fact, the sky is the limit when you all work as a team.
The adage, "many hands make light work" is not only tree but practical these days when the demands and pressure at workplace are high. More often, lone rangers tire and get worn out before they (23) .
So it’s wiser to inculcate team spirit from young, especially in the school, and learn the skills needed to be a survivor in the working field (24) on in life.
Team-building is an art.And like any artisan, we all need to embrace the skills required to be a perfect artist. It may take heaps of encouragement, tons of (25) and a truckload of patience to master the skills. It also takes careful delegation and long hours.But the results are (26) it.
Also We need to (27) with our peers. We may need to harness their energy, ideas and share in their wisdom. We must learn to (28) responsibilities and duties and not attempt to reinvent the wheel, so to (29) .
Remember, two heads are better than one. So, be prepared to work with others and work as a team. (30) , it is the end results that matter. Working as a team, the goal always seems easier to achieve than if we were to go at it alone.


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