
解析:A、Brief History ofCoke Nowadays,C

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【单选题】A、Brief History ofCoke
Nowadays,Coca-Cola’s trademark is well known around the world and its products average a staggering 400 million servings per day in more than 155 countries.According to legend, it began in a three-legged kettle in the back yard ofAtlanta pharmacistDr. John Styth Permberton who carried a jug of his concoction down the street to Jacob’s Pharmacyy where it was sold at the soda fountain for 5 cents a glass. Frank Robinson, Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper thought two "C"s would look good in advertising and wrote "Coca-Cola" in the flowering script so famous today.
It is significant that Permberton spent almost twice as much money on advertising during the first years of operation as he made in profits, for the growth ofCoke’s popularity is as much due to the advertising and marketing strategy as it is to the quality of its product.By continually monitoring changes in consumer attitudes and behaviour, theCoca-ColaCo. has become a widely recognized leader in advertising.
Pemberton could not foresee the greatest future awaiting his soft drink and sold out.Asa GriggsCandler bought the business and organized theCoca-ColaCo. into a Georgia corporation. In 1893, he registeredCo ca-Cola as a trademark.
UnderCandler’s leadership, the company began to grow quickly. In order to instigate a demand for the product, he spent heavily on advertising. Signs were put up from coast and appeared on calendars, serving trays and other merchandising items, urging people to drinkCoke.Candler’s campaign paid off.
Candler was a creative talent at advertising, but showed little imagination in understandingCoke’s marketing potential. In 1899, he sold the right to bottleCoke throughout most of the United State for $1, which he never bothered to collect.Candler sawCoke primarily as a soda-fountain drink.But two far-sighted businessmen fromChattanooga, Tennessee,Benjamin Franklin Thomas and JosephBrown Whitehead, understood the potential, and, for the unpaid dollar, bought a franchise that became worth millions.
Their agreement withCandler began the franchising bottling system that still remains the foundation of theCo ca-ColaCo.’s soft drink operations. Thomas and Whitehead sold the rights to bottleCoke to franchisers in every part of the country in return for the bottler’s agreement to invest in the necessary resources and effort to make the franchise a success.During the following decade, 779 bottling plants went into operation.
In the early 20th century,Coke blazed the advertising trail, developing innovative concepts that became accepted practices in the fileD、One of the most effective was the distribution and redemption of complimentary tickets, entitling the holder to a glass of freeCoke at the soda fountain of a dispenser.
The trademarkCoca-Cola was originally coined by ______.A.Pemberton

B、a bookkeeper working for Pemberton

C、Frank Robinson
D.Asa GriggsCandler


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