

来源:网考网商务英语 所有评论

A、AND、ITSADVERTISINGJohn S. Pemberton inventedCoca-Cola in 1886. His partner suggested running an advertising (0) the drink in theAtlanta Journal that very year. In 1888,AsaCandler bought theCoca-Cola business and decided to make the product known (31) signs, calendars and clocks. The company began to build its global network. When Robert Woodruff was elected president of the company in 1923, he succeeded (32) transformingCoca-Cola (33) a truly international product by setting (34) a foreign department, which exportedCoca-Cola to the Olympic Games inAmsterdam in 1928.During World War II, he promised to bringCoca-Cola (35) every soldier in every part of the worlD、Coca-Cola’’s advertising has always attempted (36) reflect changing contemporary lifestyles.Creating an international advertising campaign requires the talents (37) professionals in many areas, and extensive testing and research are always done (38) deciding which advertisements will finally be useD、Celebrity endorsements have featured heavily-Cary Grant, RayCharles and Whitney Houston are just three of the big name stars who have agreed to appear (39)Coca-Cola commercials. After launchingDietCoke in 1982, the company saw its sales grow quickly. The drink is now the third most popular (40) the worlD、EXAMPL
E、The correct answer for blank (0) is “FOR”.
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