
解析:0. Leadership is not about getting

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【分析解答题】0. Leadership is not about getting to do what they want to. If they did what TO00. they want, you wouldn’’t be needed as a leader. Instead, leadership is about getting CORRECT41. people to do what they don’’t want to do (or don’’t think they can do so)—and be42. ardently committed to doing it. This paradox lies at the heart of all great leadership.43. Unlike management, about which involves simply the care and feeding of your44. organizational elephant, great leadership gets that elephant to jump up.Anyone45. who knows anything about elephants knows about that they may run, they may46. stand on their hind legs, and they may kneel on their fore legs, they may roll over;47. but they don’’t jump.And that’’s what leadership is all about its getting organizations48. to do what they usually can’’t do, i.e., getting out great results consistently. Now,49. you can’’t do the jumping yourself. The elephant must do it out. You can’’t push the50. elephant into the air. It must jump out of its own volition. Making the elephant51. jump involves that cultivating a special relationship between the leader and the52. people of the organization. Many misunderstand that relationship. They try to use fear and pain to spur the activity needed to achieve consistently great results. "Sure, I’’ll get this elephant to jump. Just give me a cattle prod!"But inducing fear and pain are habit forming and ultimately destructive both to the leader and the people.
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