
解析:Mary:Excuse me.Could you pass me a

来源:网考网商务英语 所有评论

【单选题】Mary:Excuse me.Could you pass me a plateAlex: Sure. You’re Mary Young, aren’t you Mary: Yes, I am.Alex: I thought so. You probably won’t remember me, but I came for an interview for {{U}} 1 {{/U}} with you about three years ago.Mary: Yes,Alex Schein, isn’t itAlex: That’s right.Mary: I seem to remember that one of your hobbies was photography. It was a real passion.Alex: You do have a good memory.Mary: So what happened We offered you a job, but you went to work for {{U}} 2 {{/U}} —DeutscheBank, I seem to remember.Alex: The conditions they gave me were better, I’m sorry to say.Mary: I can understand that. So, are you still working thereAlex: No, I have given up banking {{U}} 3 {{/U}} . I worked forDeutscheBank for a little more than two years, but I didn’t really like the jo
B、There was too much competition among the employees, and I didn’t really like that.Mary: Well, sometimes you have to be competitive if you want to make progress.Alex: I know, but it wasn’t for me.Mary: So, what do you do nowAlex: I have become a {{U}} 4 {{/U}} photographer.Mary: You know, that doesn’t surprise me.Are you in any particular sectorAlex: I take portrait photos. I’ve just bought a studio, and I’m creating a library of photos, which I’m going to publish on my website.Mary: You must give me your web address.Alex:Better than that. I can give you my business car
D、And what about youAre you still in human resources Mary: Yes, I am. I’ve moved to the head office, and I’m the manager there. So now I’m even busier {{U}} 5 {{/U}} .

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