
解析:Success Story Journalist Mark St

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【单选题】Success Story
Journalist Mark Stretton examines the growth of on insurance company
which now has sales of £300 million per year.
In 1993,American-born HenryEastman got a call from a recruitment consultancy, inviting him to give up his successful marketing career in one insurance company to become the head of another. This new job was to work for an investment company calledBrinscombe’s, who wanted him to create a brand new car insurance company.Despite the risks involved,Eastman agreeD、
A、lot of young drivers in the 20 to 35 age range, especially the ones who have already had accidents, have difficulties in getting car insurance because most companies think they are too big a risk. However,Eastman believes there ore no problems if their annual payments are large enough. He offered them insurance cover through television commercials and attracted many customers by giving out folders in which to keep their policies safe. His strategy was a good one. Within eight years he had built the business into o national company with 500,000 customers and sales of £300 million per year.
The company is based in Manchester. The authorities there wanted to increase employment and offeredEastman a £1 million grant to start up after he promised to create 350 new jobs. He is now e major employer in the area with 1,400 staff and has also created new specialist insurance companies for women, credit card users and people using the internet.
Eastman believes inAmerican management methods: working as a team to get better results; net being allowed to miss lunch because you ore too busy; and having fun. This belief has recently won him a place in a ’50BestCompanies to Work For’ survey.
In 1999,Brinscombe’s decided to withdraw their investment and offered the company to the management team. They said ’yes’, borrowed £80 million from a bank and bought it.Eastman is pleased with his success. ’We’re a great and growing company’, he says, ’and we give our customers better service than they can dream of!’
HenryEastman’s previous job was inA.recruitment.



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