
解析:Passage 2In mostEuropean countries,

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【单选题】Passage 2In mostEuropean countries, unemployment was low for many years after World War II, and bitter memories of parents and grandparents who had been out of work for long periods in the 1930s gradually disappeared from people’s minds.But in recent years it has once again become a serious problem.Newspapers usually take the number of people “unemployed” as a percentage of the registered working population.On the basis of these figures alone, they make comparisons with past experience and also between different countries.Such simplified calculations do not take into account technological developments that have made a large number of unskilled jobs unnecessary.When we compare our unemployment figures with those of the 1930s, we must remember that far more women work nowadays, and therefore register as unemployed if they lose their jobs, so governments have a greater task and responsibility. Comparisons between countries are also unreliable because of the percentage of people who are not registere
D、For example, in former West Germany, most young people stayed at school until they were 18. The recent decline of unskilled jobs is mentioned as the result of ________.
A、high unemployment rates
B.technological advances

C、women workers

D、governments’ efforts


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