
解析:Simulation A、simulation is a tra

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A、simulation is a training method that represents a real-life situation, with trainees’ decisions resulting in (19) that mirror what would happen if the trainees were on the joB、Simulations, which allow trainees to see the impact of their decisions in an (20) , risk-free environment, are used to teach production and process skills as well as management and interpersonal skills.
Simulators need to have identical elements to those found in the work environment. The simulator needs to (21) exactly like the equipment would under the conditions and response given by the trainees. For this reason simulators are expensive to develop and need constant (22) as new information about the work environment is obtaineD、
Simulators (23) the physical equipment that employees use on the joB、For example, at Motorola’s ProgrammableAutomation Literacy Lab, employees who may never have worked with a computer or robot learn to operate them.Before entering the lab, employees are given a two-hour (24) to factory automation, which introduces new concepts, vocabulary, and computer-assisted manufacturing. The simulation allows trainees to become (25) with the equipment by designing a product.Also, trainees do not have to be afraid of the impact of wrong decisions; errors are not as (26) as they would be if the trainees were using the equipment on an (27) production line.
Simulations are also used to develop managerial skills. Looking Glass is a simulation designed to develop both (28) and individual management skills. In this program, participants are (29) different roles in a glass company. On the (30) of memos and correspondence, each participant (31) with other members of the management team over the course of six hours. Participants’ behaviors and interactions in solving the problems described in correspondence are recorded and (32) At the conclusion of the simulation, participants are given (33) regardinq their performance.
A、teamwork B、innovationC、excellenceD、proficiency

[解析] 此题考查上下文的一致性。下文的例子指明“Looking Glass可以培养团队合作与个人的管理技能”。teamwork“团队合作”。 [干扰项解析] innovation“创新”,为可数名词;excellence“优秀,卓越”;proficiency“熟练程度”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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