
解析:Whatever your business, you can no

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【单选题】Whatever your business, you can no longer hide from the intense glare of stakeholders. The Internet has given employees, business partners, customers, shareholders and local and global neighbors unprecedented power to know what you and your company are up to. If you are abusing employees or the quality of your product has suffered or you’re keeping important data from your suppliers or shareholders, you can count on that getting out via the Internet and coming back to bite you.Armed with such knowledge, your shareholders can jump right back online to spread the word, organize response, and, eventually, determine the fate of your company. How can you avoid becoming an unwitting target For starters, your company had better have great products and fair prices, because everyone will know instantly if it doesn’t.But you’ve got to keep the confidence of all your stakeholders ——not just customers or shareholders —— with honesty, accountability, consideration, and, above all, transparency. Here’s how that plays out hi successful companies.
Employees. You lead by example whether you intend to or not. When employees don’t trust you, they won’t build trust for you with customers and business partners. Instead they will play office politics, and productivity will plummet. Microsoft has employee transparency down to a science. Tim Sinclair, who runs the company’s huge website, says, "When there’s good news, everyone knows. When there’s bad news, tell everyone."
Business partners. In the competition among supply chains, trust means lower transaction costs and better performance. Radio frequency ID、tugs will bring about ever more accurate real-time information sharing. Wal-Mart — no surprise -- is among the first to tell its suppliers to get with this technology.
Customers. Transparency with consumers can be a force for competitive advantage. When a Stanford Student detailed the source code for Lego’s Mindstorms robotic toy online, not only did the company decide not to sue the student, it encouraged its customers to tinker with the software, even going so far as to develop a website where people can share their creations. Its budding community of customer/ developers has helped Lego expand the market for its robot, helping to popularize it on campuses and among engineers. It gained, essentially for free, new markets, new product ideas, and sheet credibility.
Communities. Think accountability, not just philanthropy.Chiquita was once reviled for its alleged activities in LatinAmerica: It was said to have fomented political coups, bribed politicians, pillaged the environment, and brutalized employees. In 1998 it adopted a policy of corporate responsibility, which calls for honest and open communication about its problems and heating all people with dignity and respect. The policy came too late to save the company from bankruptcy in November 2001, butChiquita executives say it was instrumental in helping the banana giant repair relations with workers, suppliers, local communities, and environmental activists -- and emerge fromChapter 11 in better shape four months later.
Shareholders. Progressive insuranceCEO Glenn Renwick is making an inquisitive investor’s dream come true. Progressive says it’s the only Fortune 500 company to report operating costs on a monthly basis. "I view it as the owners’ information," Renwick says. "When you have information, you should disclose it, good or bad, exactly as it is." Result: Since 2001, Progressive’s share price has gone from $43 to more than $70. Transparency builds trust with shareholders.
In the age of transparency, integrity goes to the bottom line: if you’ve got to be naked, you’d better be buff.
The policy of corporate responsibility adopted byChiquita
A、resulted from its business activities in LatinAmeric

B、saved the company from bankruptcy in November 2001.
C.helped the company to be reestablished l

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