
1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15题:Too much to read! It's impossible to find time to read today's top business books-and thousands are published each year. Yet not keeping up with those books could be a serious-and expensive mistake. Often the ideas and insights they . . . . . . example. . . . . are available nowhere else. But how can you even. . . . . .21. . . . . . which titles are worthwhile-let alone find time to read them?
Fortunately, there's a . . . .. .22. .. . . . : Soundview Executive Book Summaries. It really. . . . . . 23.. . . . . In fact, it's . . . . . . 24. . . . . . to work. It is ingenious and essential. Every month, you . . . . . . 25. . . . . two or three quick reading, time saving . . . . . .26. . . .. . of the best new business books. Each contains all the key points in the . . . . . . 27. . . . . . book. The big difference ,instead of 200 to 500 pages ,the summary is only & pages. Instead of . . . . . . 28. . . . . . five ,ten or more hours to read ,it takes just 15 minutes.
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A. express B. understand C. contain D. find 
Answer: C
21 . A. see B. know C. ask D. answer 
22. A. answer B. solution C. question D. problem 
23. A. works B. costs C. sells D. buys 
24. A. guarded B. granted C. guided D. guaranteed 
25. A. pay B. send C. receive D. buy 
26. A. titles B. summaries C. names D. prices 
27. A. original B. first C. same D. another 
28. A. spending B. costing C. taking D. sitting 
29. A. publicized B. polished C. published D. popularized 
30. A. dozen B. little C. handful D. couple 
31. A. choosing B. eliminating C. writing D. publishing 
32. A. high B. low C. expensive D. cheap 
33. A. entire B. tired C. entering D. old 
34. A. word B. subject C. sentence D. idea 
35. A. something B. anything C. all D. nothing


16题:We have to hold you responsibility for the loss we've been made to sustain. . . responsible. . .
This serves to authorize the Chairman of the F. T. Arbitration Commission to 
41. appoint an arbitrator on behave of this corporation to settle the dispute 
42. existed between the plaintiff and the defendant ,concerning the defendant's. 
43. failure to meet their oblige under contracts concluded for the supply of 
44. 8,000 metric tons of Aluminium ingots. Should the defendant failing to 
45. appoint an arbitrator with in the time specific by the F. T. Arbitration . 
Commission ,this corporation would have an arbitrator appointed for 
the defendant.

17、18、19、20、21、22、23题:1. The government didn't want to cancel a meeting in its capital. 
2. This country did something that went against the international agreements. 
3. The king declared that he was unable to stop the civil war. 
4. A fierce quarrel broke out between this country and its neighbour. 
5. A national budget is going to be approved by the parliament some time in July.
6. An opposition .party plans to turn down its enemy who now controlls the government. 
7. A nuclear reactor aroused the suspicion of the United Nations which sent inspectors there to investigate.
A . North Korea announced that it had begun to change the fuel at a nuclear reactor at Youngbyon without the presence of international inspectors, a move that is contrary to international agreements.
B. The Khmers Rouges claimed to have captured the town of Mongkol Borei, in north-western Cambodia. As King Sihanouk prepared to leave for China to resume cancer treatment ,he said he had lost hope of resolving the Cambodian conflict.
C. Japan's main opposition party, the Liberal Democrats, said it would try to bring down the minority government of Tsutiomu Hata once the budget is passed by parliament in mid-July.
D. The Philippines refused a demand by Indonesia to ban a conference in Manila on East Timor, provoking the worst dispute between the countries for several years.

24、25、26、27、28题:You state on February 13th that New Mexico has "few natural resources ",... ...example...... In 1991 New Mexico ranked fourth in the United States in production of natural gas , seventh in oil and tenth in non-fuel minerals ... ...8... ... Non-fuel minerals contributed about $ 1 billion and coal $ 509 million. 
Taxes from production of fuels and minerals, and lease payments on state lands have been set aside by legislative acts to endow two permanent funds worth about $ 5. 65 billion, ...... 9 ...... In addition, during fiscal year 1991 , payments to New Mexico from taxes on federal lands were S 108 million ,all earmarked for public education. 
...... 10 ...... About $566 million came from taxes and permanent-fund earnings attributable to oil and gas production. ......11 ...... Tourism is an important industry in New Mexico, yet its economic impact on the public sector is dwarfed by that of mineral production. 
New Mexico came through the recent recession in much better shape than most other states. It does not have a deficit. ... ... 12... ... States that rely primarily on a sales tax or on an income tax have big problems during economic downturns. Income growth per head in New Mexico averaged 6. 1/00 in the year to October 1992-one of the fastest growth rates in the United States. 
Charles Chapin
Example :C
A. It has a broadly based tax structure an important point. 
B. In 1992 it produced more oil than Colorado and Kansas combined. 
C. However, the extractive mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the state's strongest economic forces. 
D. During fiscal year 1992 New Mexico raised permanent funds worth about $6.1 billion. 
E. The combined value of oil and gas production was $ 2. 8 billion. 
F. Some 16, 000 employees work in the extractive industries and their wages are among the highest of any major industry. 
G. The $39 million earned by these funds in 1991 was used to finance education and other public services. 
H. Only S 25 million came from agricultural taxes. 
I. New Mexico's extractive mineral industries contribute about a third of the state's $ 1. 9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year 1991.

29题:In despite of the price we'll import this product. . . . . .spite. . . . . .
The Sharp FO-9000 works in three steps. First ,you tell the machine 
41. the size of the photo to be sent out ,and the FO-9000 scans it onto their 
42. hard disk. Then, the fax sends the data though the phone lines 
43. to the fax in other office, Finally ,the second fax recreates the image. 
44. The machine measures 16 inches height by 18 wide by 17 deep 
45. and weights88 pounds. The price is high: $ 63,990 a pair, 
since what use is only one?




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