
解析:{{B}} Questions 23-30{{/B}} ·

来源:网考网商务英语 所有评论

{{B}} Questions 23-30{{/B}}
· You will hear MrCarter talking about his car.
· For each question (23-30), mark one letterA,B、orC、for the correct answer.
·After you have listened once, replay the recording.

After the conversation, what does the woman still not knowA.A、The man’s address.
B.B、The price of the car.
C.C、The age of the car.


[听力原文] 23-30 M: Good morning, Mr Carter’s office. W: Good morning. May I speak to Mr Carter M: Speaking. What can I do for you W: Well, I noticed that you want ad in the paper yesterday. M: You mean about my Mercedes W: That’s right. I noticed it’s a 89 and wondered about its condition. M: Well, it’s in great shape. I’ve been the only driver, and all maintenance has been done according to the dates specified in the service manual. W: The ad said it has air conditioning, power brakes, power steering, automatic transmission and a convertible top. M: That’s right. I forget to add that the tires and battery are all new, too. It has comprehensive insurance, with coverage for another six months. W: Do you mind my asking why you’re selling the car M: Oh, my company is transferring me to France next month. I plan to buy a new one over there. W: I see. But I noticed you didn’t mention any price in the ad. M: We can negotiate that if you’d like to come see it. W: That sounds reasonable. I’d like to see the car first. Where do you live M: My home address is 235, the 8th Avenue. I’ll be home all evening. Come my home after 6:30 W: All right. I’ll be there around 7:00. M: Fine. See you then. W: Goodbye. [精析] 原文信息:I noticed it’s a 89,在文章最后,原文给出了有关卡特先生地址的详细信息,惟一未提到的信息就是汽车的价格,这也是这位女士要登门拜访卡特先生的原因。故选B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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