
易错题:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the

2017年09月09日来源:四六级考试 所有评论

【单选题】Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:
Every day,thousands of managers,bankers,sales executives,lawyers,accountants,and
other professionals are driven to anger and despair by the hard realities of the changing world of work.The oncesolid foundation for millions of middleclass families—the corporate career—is in shambles.The Organization Man of the 1950s and 1960s is being replaced by the migrant manager and freelance professional of the 1990s.
The pain of change is all around us.Corporations are rushing to cut costs and downsize before year end.They want to take their lumps in 1991,in preparation for a stronger recovery in 1992.That means an unusual powerful wave of layoffs will sweep through the U.S. during the last quarter of 1991.Already,the drumbeat of bad news is growing louder.
Whitecollar workers will join the growing ranks of oncesecure employees who are finding themselves on the outside—alone,afraid,and angry.Who doesn ' t have a brother or a sister,a parent or a friend who has lost a job recently?The economic recovery will ease the pain,but it won't stop it.Forces of fierce global competition and industrial consolidation are compelling corporations to cut entire layers of middle managers and whole categories of professional staff.Few companies can hide from the intense pressure of international competition anymore.
36. The changing world of work is making American managers and professionals__. 
A.helpless B.desperate C.angry D.both B and C 
37. The corporate career is the foundation for
A.bankers B.lawyers and accountants
C.all top managers D.millions of middleclass families 
38. In order to get a stronger recovery,corporations are____.
A.reducing their sizes B.cutting costs
C.laying off employees D.all above 
39. Whitecollar workers will be_____.
A.on the inside B.on the outside
C.afraid and angry D.both B and C 
40. American corporations are_____.
A.free from international competition.
B.immune to industrial consolidation.
C.under the intense pressure of international competition.
D.stopping the pain of industrial consolidation. 



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