
解析:Which of the following is true abo

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 Which of the following is true about small-claims courts
A.It is possible to have one's case heard by a jury if he or she is dissatisfied with the court's decision.
B.The decision may not be appealed to a higher court.
C.The litigants must plead accurately and according to a strict form.
D.The parties may not present their cases without a lawyer's help.


细节理解题。题目考查的是小额索赔案件法庭中出现的细节。根据题干中的关键词“小额索赔案件法庭”可以确定在第三段中寻找答案,根据该段第三至六行我们可以得出答案为B。选项A和文中正好相反,应该是“放弃了陪审团的裁决”。选项C也是和文中相反,应该是做出“一句话的索赔陈述”。选项D具有一定的干扰,但是该句的语气太不肯定,不是“may Hot”而是“must…without…”,所以为错误答案。 查看试题解析出处>>


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