
解析:It may be concluded from the passa

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 It may be concluded from the passage that ______.
A.dying patients should be truthfully informed of their condition
B.most doctors and nurses understand what dying patients need
C.dying patients are afraid of being told of the approach of death
D.most patients are unable to accept death until it is obviously inevitable


[解析] 事实细节题。此题考查的是哪种陈述符合文章的内容,我们应该从选项入手,在文中寻找和选项相关的细节。选项[A]是说,要如实地把重症病人的情况告诉他们。第四段第三句说,这些病人非常希望知道他们的病情以及离死亡还有多远;最后一句说,那些知道自己病情的病人were better able to cope with the approach of death and finally...,既然结果是好的,那么就该把病情告诉病人,因此选项[A]符合文章内容。第四段第一句是说truly understand their needs, fears and fantasies对于family members, and doctors and nurses是非常重要的,也就是说许多doctors and nurses还没有understand,因此排除选项[B]。第四段第三句说,病人非常希望知道when the end was near,因此排除选项[C]。根据第四段最后一句可知,知道自己病情的病人可以reach a true stage of acceptance prior to death,故排除选项[D]。 查看试题解析出处>>


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