
解析:Which of the following can be infe

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage
A.All the people react in the same way to sensory deprivation.
B.The researchers expected the subjects to sleep for a long time.
C.The first reaction to sensory deprivation is to shout loudly.
D.Total sensory deprivation means that the brain has no real information to work on.


推理判断题。本文探讨的是感觉失去后人们的各种反应,根据原文最后一段第二句“With no real sensations to work on, the brain makes up all sorts of false information.”由于人的大脑对周围的真实感觉全部丧失,所以它做出的各种信息判断都是错误的。所以D)项“感觉被完全剥夺就是使大脑没有可以依赖的真实信息”是正确选项。[避错指导] A)项“所有人对感觉丧失后的反映都是一样的”,此项与原文中说的心理学家们做了一系列的剥夺感觉的实验,其结果因人而异完全相反;B)项“研究者预料到被测试者会睡很长的时间”与原文倒数第二段中“We had not expected this extended period of initial sleep”明显不符;根据文意即可排除;C)项在原文中没有提及,所以排除。 查看试题解析出处>>


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