
解析:Which one is NOT the benefit gaine

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 Which one is NOT the benefit gained by RealNetworks
A.RealNetworks can beat Microsoft's ambitions.
B.RealNetworks can use the improved software.
C.RealNetworks can profit from self-created competition.
D.RealNetworks can get royalty fees from some firms.


本题属细节题,问“哪项不是RealNetworks 的获利之处”。短文第四段提到"The self-created competition could also hurt RealNetworks if customers decide its commercial products,which will be based on the open source-code but with extra features,are not worth paying extra for.",也就是说如果客户认为RealNetworks 的销售品不值得他们额外付钱的话,那么自我制造的竞争可能会伤害RealNetworks 自身。因此,“认为RealNetworks 公司能从自我制造的竞争中获益”是错误的,故选[C]。 [A]"RealNetworks 公司能打击微软的野心”。作者在第二段中指出"It is trying to encourage the creation of a common multimedia software structure for every kind of file format and device,thus defeating Microsoft's ambitions in this promising market.",也就是说RealNetworks 正大力创建一个对每一种文件格式和装置都适用的公共多媒体软件基础结构,这样它就能有力地牵制住微软的野心。 [B]“RealNetworks 公司能使用改进过的软件”。短文第四段提到"... can modify the software... so long as they also publish the source-code for their changes. This is a sort of payment in kind for RealNetworks is then allowed to use these contributions.",此句说明他人可以对RealNetworks 公司的软件进行修改,而RealNetworks 公司也可使用这些改进的软件成果。 [D]“RealNetworks 公司能从其他公司获得特许权使用费”。第四段还说到"Firms,on the other hand,must pay royalty fees if they distribute more than 1m copies of the code.",即如果其它公司能销售1百万以上的源码,就须向RealNetworks 支付特许权使用费。 查看试题解析出处>>


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