
解析:The emotional aspects of an object

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 The emotional aspects of an object are more important than its physical aspects in that they ______.
A.help society exploit its members for profit
B.encourage us to perform important tasks
C.help to perfect the legal and penal system
D.help us adapt our behavior to the world surrounding us


要点归纳题。由文章第二段第三句中“but an object's physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can do to us-hurt us,surprise us,anger us or make us joyful.”可知,“情感比事物具体的物理特性更重要是因为它从内部激励人们调节自己的行为以适应周围的环境”,因此D为正确答案。 A、B和C选项均为人们调节行为的具体方式。 查看试题解析出处>>


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