
解析:Some time ago a friend who had lost

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】Some time ago a friend who had lost hisCity job confessed he had considered killing himself. I was appalled but not surprised: while men are being hit harder by the recession than women they are also seem to be showing less resilience in dealing with unemployment and economic insecurity.
The trend in male unemployment, particularly among graduates and high-skilled men, did not begin with the recession and will not end with it. Rising male unemployment has been a feature of the socioeconomic change that many western countries have experienced in the last 30 years. Forecasts predict that women will dominate the professions within 15 years. This trend alone is enough for some to claim that a "crisis of masculinity(男子气)" is on the horizon.
The emerging knowledge economy demands a new, softer skill set—empathy, sociability, confidence, resourcefulness. Women are perceived as being better at soft skills, and now they count for more. In the course of just over a decade,Demos research found, these skills became central to life chances: for those who turned 30 in 2000, such character capabilities had become 33 times more important in determining earnings.
But character can’t be taught in the classroom. Girls outperform boys at all levels of education.Between 1990 and 2004, the proportion of young women gaining two or moreA-levels more than doubled, while the proportion of young men gaining this result increased much more slowly. More women than men go to university, and when they’re there, they do better: 58% of women gained first class and upper second degrees in 2006, compared to 50% of men.
It is not exactly a leap to argue that these trends are a result of the changes to GCSEs andA-levels that—with their burgeoning emphasis on project work rather than exams, on working in teams and on critical skills rather than hard facts—have benefited female students. So much so thatA-levels are now being skewed(倾斜) back to favor boys, with more emphasis being put on exams rather than coursework.
So what can be done Interestingly there may be a genuine solution.Demos research shows that boys and young men can substantially boost employability, income and wellbeing by doing apprenticeships from age 16 instead of, or as well as,A-levels.
In fact, boys who did apprenticeships earned on average 7% more by the age of 30 than those who did not— regardless of whether the non-apprentices had high academic qualifications.Boys who took apprenticeships were more confident, happy and skilled by the time they were 30 than their non-apprentice contemporaries.
Society needs to get over this obsession withA-levels as the gold standard if we want to give boys the chance to succeed in this new job environment. RiggingA-levels won’t help. They need training to help them operate in the workplace, not qualifications that prepare them to fail.
Why areA-levels now being skewed back towards boysA.Boys have critical skills rather than hard facts.
B.A-levels stress exams instead of coursework.
C.Female students are not interested inA-levels.
D.Boys put more emphasis on project work.


[答案解析] 根据题干关键词skewed back towards boys定位到原文第五段最后一句:SO much so that A-levels are now being skewed back to favor boys, with mote emphasis being put on exams rather than coursework. 可知A-level如今重新向有利于男孩的方向倾斜,更强调考试而不是学业。故选B) 项。B) 项中的stress是原文with more emphasis being put on的同义转述。 [避错点拨] A) 项“男生掌握的是关键技术,而不是不可动摇的事实”是对原文的曲解;C) 项“女学生对A-level不感兴趣”文中未提及;D) 项“男生更重视专题研究”是对原文的曲解。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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