
解析:{{B}}Questions 19 to 21 are b

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{{B}}Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just hearD、{{/B}}
Ask himself a lot of questions.
B.Know his own needs and wants.
C.Figure out what his audience is interested in.
D.Put his notes in order aheaD、


[听力原文]19-21 W:As a well-known public speaker,can you give us some suggestions on how to deliver a good speech M:(19)To begin with, you should ask yourself a question, that is, what does your audience need and want It’s better to question yourself before the speech. W:Why do we need to know their needs and wants M:(21)If you are a public speaker Lit is absolutely essential to know how to capture and maintain the interest of your audience, which means you have to know what they want to know and what they want to hear. W:You mean we should pay special attention to the content of the speech,right M:Yes.If you elaborate on facts and figures that everyone is already familiar with,then it is quite possible that you will actually lose the attention of those who are listening to your presentation. W:What should we do then M:(20)Many successful speakers will summarize that part or add some different viewpoints to it.This is a good way to increase their level of understanding of the topic.If your audience cannot follow your speech.it’s quite possible that they’ll leave or doze off. W:How about body language I see many speakers use a lot of hand gestures. M:Not only hand gestures,but also facial expression,body movement and even voice changes.It is always important to remember that sometimes,how you say something will have a larger impact than what you say. 19.What preparation should a public speaker do according to the conversation [听前猜测] 四个选项均为动词短语,根据关键词questions,notes和audience推测本题考查的是演讲者需要做的事情。 [精解] 对话中男士说演讲前应该问自己一个问题:什么是听众想要知道和了解的 也就是要了解听众的兴趣。故本题答案为C)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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