
解析:A、AnEnglish reporter. B.AnAmerican

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、AnEnglish reporter.
B.AnAmerican reporter.
C.AnEnglish scientist.
D.AnAmerican scientist.


[听力原文]26-28 And now for the Monday Morning weather report. Right now the skies over the Chicago area are sunny and clear. We are expecting warm dry weather to continue throughout the day with temperatures in the middle to upper 80’s. Winds will continue to be slightly variable as high as ten miles per hour. We are going to have fair weather continuing over the next couple of days so that means clear and somewhat cooler weather tonight. Tomorrow will be sunny again and quite warm. No precipitation is expected for at least three or four days. 26.Who is the speaker [试题分析] 本题考查综合判断能力。 [详细解答] 这道题中,当考生听过录音以后,不难判断出这是一篇天气预报,这样就可以排除C、D两项。听到了关键词“Chicago”(芝加哥),就不难判断出这是一篇美国的天气预报了。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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