
解析:Which phrase in paragraph 3 sugges

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【单选题】 Which phrase in paragraph 3 suggests that the universe is like a machine
A.Cold precision and objective materialism.
B.The shadowy and unsubstantial nature of atoms.
C.Slavishly unfolding along a predetermined pathway.
D.Shifting indeterminism and subtle interactions.


[解析] 细节推理题。只有通过短语所在的卜下文来理解:...and the quantum theory,which reveals the shadowy and unsubstantial nature of atoms,have demolished the classical image of a clockwork universe slavishly unfolding along a predetermined pathway.(量子理论,揭示了原子有阴影、薄弱的本质,粉碎了宇宙像个时钟一样奴隶般地沿着预定的轨道铺开的经典形象。)从这段话中可以很清楚看出(slavishly unfolding along a predetermined pathway)暗示宇宙像台机器。 查看试题解析出处>>


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