
解析:What is the conversation mainly ab

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 What is the conversation mainly about
A.Choosing names for children.
B.Family names.
C.Up-to-date names.
D.Names of famous writers.


[听力原文]8-10 W: What are you and Helen going to call the baby.9 You're not going to name him after a whole football team, I hope. M: No, certainly not. Nor shall we name her after eleven hockey players if she's a girl. W: But choosing even one name is difficult. Which names have you thought of M: Helen wants to call the child John after me. I don't want to. My name is too plain. W: And if a girl comes, you won't like plain Jane any better. What about Jonathan or Janet M: Every Jonathan I know is called Jon for short, so that's no good. Helen's an opera-lover. So we might call a daughter Carmen. W: You could name a boy after a poet. How would you like to know someone called Dante Brown, Shakespeare Robinson or Keats Thompson M: Those names are old-fashioned. But up-to-date names can be worse. Some people call their children after film stars or pop stars. How dreadful to be christened Clint, Elvis, Rod or Ringo! W: Lots of children hate the names they have been given. Why not give a child a number instead Then he can exchange his number for a name of his own choice when he is old enough to decide himself what he would like to be called. 查看试题解析出处>>


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