
解析:A、To find out what his interest is

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A、To find out what his interest is.
B、To encourage him to try out for a college newsletter.
C、To help him choose an out-of-class activities.
D、To talk about the articles he wrote in his journalism class.

[解析] 19-21 M: Hi, Mrs. Dupree. You asked me to come by W: Oh, yes, Clinton. Thanks for coming in. How is it going M: Not too bad. [20] I thought I’d have it tough after ehanging universities, but I’ve been able to catch up with my academics , and I’ve even managed to make a couple of friends. I don’t know how since I haven’t really been out that much. W: Well, it’s good to hear that about your classes. [19①] Actually, I was’justchatting with your journalism professor, and she told me that she wasimpressed with your writing skills and that it would be such a shame to keep itin the confines of the classroom during your stay here at the university. M: She said that Well, I’m really happy to hear that. Well, yeah, of course, Iintend to write for a newspaper when I graduate. W: No, she didn’t mean that. [19②] She thinks you should apply for the campusnewsletter . That’s why I called you here. M: What Whoa, that’s a big step for me. [21①] I never even tried out for thenewsletter in my former college and I’m only a sophomore with not that muchexperience in writing . W: Yes, yes, she knows all that, but your professor thinks you should be on thestaff of the newsletter. She said you’d be great in features. When I heard that I just had to talk to you. M: [21②] But don’t they have enough writers at the newsletter What would theydo with a beginner like me W: I see you’re in need of a bit of confidence, young man. Listen, why don’t you justgo over there and give it a try Let’s just see how it goes. What do you say M: OK. if you say so. 19. Why does the woman ask the man to come by [预测] 选项均以动词不定式开头,结合encourage him,help him和talk about推测,问题可能是关于女士找男士的目的。 [解析] 细节题。女士说男士的老师对他的写作技巧印象深刻,认为他应该申请加入大学校报,所以女士把男士叫来,就是要跟男士讨论这件事情,并通过反问句why don’t you just go over there and give it a try建议并鼓励男士尝试申请加入大学校报,故答案为B)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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