
解析:Passage Three The significance of

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【单选题】Passage Three
The significance of trust is that it allows the parties involved in the relationship to indicate how they feel, what they behave, and where they disagree without fear of contradiction or reprisal(报复). Trusting relationship encourage people to disclose their plans and perceptions without hurting themselves or others. Hurt, whether real or imagined, is one of the most harmful consequences of personal relationships with other human beings. In situations which you feel that the other person has the power and intent to hurt you, trust diminishes quickly. Thus a climate of distrust appears in your relations with others.Conversely, if I can say whatever comes to my mind without etting hurt, a climate of trust pervades the relationship.
Trust is a perceptual phenomenon that evolves from our experiences with others. If trusting were so easy, we would not need to make such a point of its importance in human relationships. To say that a person should trust others is to diminish the difficulty of producing trust. In mutual relationships, both parties must behave toward one another in trusting ways.Even though it hurts in the pit of the stomach, you must trust the other person and encourage him or her to say those things that demand a trusting response. No one likes to get hurt and few like to hurt others, especially not those others who are close to us in person-to-person relationships.
We avoid expressing our true feelings lest we become the target of a revenging attack from the other person. If I indicate that I do not appreciate having you smoke in my car, I may love you as a friend or I may become the subject of ridicule for allowing little things like that to bother me. If that happens, I will be less open and less trusting of you the next time.
What will NOT happen ifa person feels he will be hurt by the otherA.Trust diminishes quickly.
B.He will disclose his plans and perceptions.
C.A、climate of distrust pervades the relationship.
D.One of the most harmful consequences of personal relationships with others appear.


推断题。文章第一段第二句提到充满信任的人际关系鼓励人们在不伤害自己和他人的情况下,表达出他们的计划和感受。由此可知,如果他们认为表达出自己的计划和感受会伤害到自己,就不会这样做,因此选B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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