
解析:An old song says that "love m

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An old song says that "love makes the world go arounD、" If you {{U}} (67) {{/U}}Americans on Valentine’sDay, you can believe it. The whole country {{U}} (68) {{/U}} out with little red hearts. Love-{{U}} (69) {{/U}} people give cards, flowers and candy to their sweethearts. You might call it an {{U}} (70) {{/U}} celebration of love.
TheAmerican {{U}} (71) {{/U}} of love begins with dating. Young people date in several ways.At first they might have {{U}} (72) {{/U}} dates with several boys and girls together. Later, they start going on {{U}} (73) {{/U}} dates--just one boy and one girl.
When two couples go out together, we call it {{U}} (74) {{/U}} dating.A、friend might even {{U}} (75) {{/U}} a blind date for you with someone you don’t know. That doesn’t mean you keep your {{U}} (76) {{/U}} closed the whole evening! You just don’t know who your partner will be {{U}} (77) {{/U}} the time for the date.
Americans view dating {{U}} (78) {{/U}} from people in other cultures.American young people see a date as a time just to have {{U}} (79) {{/U}} They don’t always have a romantic interest in minD、Someone may go out with one person this week, and {{U}} (80) {{/U}} person the next.After a while, a boy and a girl may decide they want to "go {{U}} (81) {{/U}} "This means they think of each other as "boyfriend and girlfrienD、" Romance is beginning to {{U}} (82) {{/U}}
Romantic love is very much a part ofAmerican culture. Movies, TV shows and books inAmerica all {{U}} (83) {{/U}} people who fall in love. {{U}} (84) {{/U}}, love is a part of every culture, not justAmerican culture. People all over the world search {{U}} (85) {{/U}} happiness in a loving relationship.
Maybe love {{U}} (86) {{/U}} make the world go arounD、


[精解] 动词辨义题。通过全文的阐述,作者再次利用开头的一句老歌歌词作为结束语。并对love makes the world go around.“爱使世界旋转”这一说法表示肯定和认同。故此处应选择does“确实”,来表示强调的意味。have,help及lead表达不出这一意思,且不能直接跟动词make,故排除。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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