
解析:Paradise Lost, one of the greatest

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【分析解答题】Paradise Lost, one of the greatest poems in theEnglish language, was first published in 1667.Milton had long cherished the (47)______ to write the definitiveEnglish epic, to do for theEnglish language what Homer and Virgil had done for Greek and Latin, and whatDante had done for Italian. He had (48)______ planned to base his epic on theArthurian (亚瑟王的)(49)______, which were the foundational myths forEnglish (50)______ , but later turned his attention to more (51)______ questions. He decided to focus on the foundational myth of (52)______ itself, the Genesis ( 圣经 之 创世纪 ) account of creation and fall. It was an ambitious project, for Milton was determined to attempt "things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhyme,’’" and his success is indicated by the esteem in which the poem is held to this day.Milton’’s epic poem received mixed reactions in the seventeenth century, and, over the years, has continued to arouse both praise and (53)______. Yet, its admirers have always been more (54)______ that its detractors. The poem has influenced many authors and artists, from JohnDryden to WilliamBlake, Mary Shelley to Philip K.Dick,
C、S. Lewis to Gene Roddenberry.Aside from the sheer beauty of its language and the power of its (55)______, the subject matter of the poem has continued to absorb readers of every generation. Milton does not hesitate to ask the most difficult of questions: if the world was created by a good, just, and loving God, why is there little evidence of goodness and justice in the world What does it mean for humankind to be created in the image of that God, and how does humanity endure in a fallen world It is this aspect of the poem which will continue to enthrall (迷醉) readers, as they continue to ask the same difficult questions and turn for answers to Milton’’s (56)______ of one of the foundational myths of Western culture. WordBankA、universal B、humanity C、specificD、blame E、explorationF) ambitionG) mysteryH) numerousI) generalizeJ) legendsK) characterizationL) nationalismM) contrastN) originallyO) completely
试题答案:B: humanity 答案解析:暂无解析 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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