
解析:A、Their lecture notes. B.The man’s

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、Their lecture notes.
B.The man’s election plans.
C.Putting up posters.
D.The campus radio station.


[听力原文]19-22 M: You’re my campaign manager, Julie. How do I convince members of the Student Union that I’m the best for school president W: That won’t be easy. M: Thanks a lot. W: I’m just kidding, Bob. Actually I think once we show everyone how well you did as a junior class treasurer, you will win easily. M: How do we do that Meet with all three thousand people who are members of the Student Union W: Come on. What I’m thinking of first is hanging campaign posters in all the hallways, where most of the students are sure to see them. M: That sounds good. But everyone puts up posters. What can we do make that different W: The campus radio station is willing to let you have five minutes tomorrow morning at seven o’clock to outline your plans for the year. Lots of students will be listening, then. M: That’s a great idea! W: I’ve also arranged for you to give a speech during dinner tomorrow. At least five hundred of the students will be there. You’ll answer questions after you’ve finished speaking. M: That means I’d better come up with the speech pretty quickly. How ’about if I write it tonight and show it to you after chemistry class tomorrow W: Fine. I’ll see you after class. M: Thanks for all your help! 19. What are the two speakers talking about document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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