

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

试题答案: 答案解析: On Improving Students’ Network Morality [1]The problem of college students’network morality is becoming more and more serious today,which does great harm to the development of their personality and mentality.[2]Therefore it is important to improve their network morality. [3]There are some ways to improve students’network morality.[4]First,students should be taught to understand that their online activities bring not only self-experiences but also social responsibility.[5]Second,rules should be made to control the network environment so that students will not be exposed to various immoral information on the Internet. [6]Finally,technical means are required to supervise students’online behaviors so that any immoral behavior can be duly punished. [7]If the student understands the importance of keeping a high network morality,if the Internet environment is healthy.and if immoral network behavior is always duly punished.I’m sure students’network morality call be improved greatly. [1]指出“问题日益严重”,对学生的个性发展和精神造成“危害”。对应提纲中的第1点和第2点。 [2]点题,与标题呼应。 [3]承接上文,又是本段的主题句。用这样的句子,容易展开段落。 [4][5][6]First,Second和Finally引出三种措施,逻辑井然。注意三个方面各有侧重,相辅相成。 [5]be exposed to为亮点短语,表示“遭受,暴露于……”。 [7]是对中心段落即第2段的总结。用三个if重复提及的措施,使文章中心更加清晰。 [写作指南] 作文标题是“论提高学生网络道德”,“提高”是题眼,重点应该放在讨论相关措施上。由此我们再看提纲,其中的第1点和第2点仅仅都是交待相关背景,可以略写。如果审题不清,对第2点“危害”论述过多,就有偏题之嫌。 那么,对于各种重点沦述“措施”的题目,应如何着手呢 用什么思路来展开论证和阐述 考生应对此类题目不断加以总结。 以本题为例,我们可以从以下几个角度来论述:学生层面和学校层面;提高认识、加强处罚力度、鼓励良好网络道德等。 范文提供的思路,可供参考。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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