
解析:What State Department spokesman Ri

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 What State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said indicates that ______.
A.Brazil carries out the new security measures as well as U. S.
B.the Brazilian program just aims at U.S. passengers
C.the resultant delays only do harm to American travelers
D.the new measures in Brazil are beneficial to all countries


推理题。题目问的是:参议院发言人Richard Boucher所说的话表明。文章第七段最后一句话提到:He said the Brazilian program is ill-prepared and discriminatory since it singles out U.S.citizens for exceptional treatment“他说巴西的方案是欠缺准备且带有歧视性的,因为它挑出美国公民来进行特殊的对待”。由此可推出[B]“巴西的方案只是用来针对美国乘客”是符合文意的。 查看试题解析出处>>


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