
解析:Questions 23 to 25 are based on th

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【单选题】Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just hearD、 A.They are shopping.
B.They are jogging.
C.They are seeing a movie.
D.They are drinking coffee.


[听力原文] What axe the two speakers doing when they chat with each other 综合推断题。男士一直在批判现在的咖啡屋,在最后女士问男士是否喝完了咖啡,是否可以走了时;男士回答说自己花了超过三美元买那杯咖啡,因此要喝完,由此可知,他们是在喝咖啡,故选D。 [考点] hang out意为“常去某处;居住”,其他与hang相关的短语还有:hang about/around无所事事地待着; hang on稍等,不挂断;。hang together(人)团结一致,或(说法)相符,例如:Your accounts of what happened hang together.你们对于所发生的事的描述是一致的。 be sick of sth.意为“腻烦某事物”,其他与sick相关的短语还有:be sick at/about sth.为某事物苦恼;make sb. sick使某人愤慨或厌恶;be sick to death of sb/sth.极度厌烦某人/某事物,例如:I’m sick to death of your complaints.我烦透了你的抱怨。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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