
解析:Dogs MakeEmployees More Productiv

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Dogs MakeEmployees More ProductiveAt Work
Leib Lurie never intended for his company, message delivery service OneCall Now, to be pet-friendly.But his dog, Ivy, had other ideas.
Five years ago, the German shepherd showed up unannounced at OneCall Now’s Troy, Ohio-based office—a 1.5-mile trek from Lurie’s home. When he continued to make the trip each day he wasn’t brought to the office, Lurie realized it was time for a change in company policy. Today, four or five employee’s dogs, as well as a variety offish, birds, and other caged animals join Ivy in the office daily to make OneCall Now a workingman’s menagerie (动物园).
"They’re not very good at sending voice messages," Lurie jokes of the pets in his office. "But we’ve gotten them down with using the computer, at least the point part."
OneCall Now joins a growing force of companies across the United States to welcome pets in the workplace. While only 17 percent of U.S. employers currently allow animals in the workplace, according to a survey from theAmerican Pet Products ManufacturersAssociation, pet-friendly, often specifically dog-friendly, environments are building steam. From major companies like Google, Zynga, andAmazon.com to growing start-ups, more and more canine companions are showing up to work.
For many entrepreneurs, the inception of a dog-friendly environment begins long before offices enter the picture. "My dog,Blueberry, was the founding dog," explains Randy Hetrik, founder of TRX Training. "Literally, it was him and me before any other people came in, so he takes great pride in what we’ve accomplisheD、"As Hetrik built his company, he never forgot his first partner. Today, up to ten dogs wander withBlueberry through the four floors of TRX’s San Francisco office,
Many pet-friendly work environments develop as a part of the company’s larger mission or company culture.After spending years in uptight corporate climates, Nancy Squires founded her own consulting firm, The Squires Group, with a distinctly homey atmosphere, which included her two Italian greyhounds.
Marketing software company G5’s dog-friendliness fits into the animal-friendly climate of their mountain townBend, Oregon, as well as the company’s own cultural backbone. "We try to have a culture that promotes freedom for the employees and helps them thrive," says G5CEODan Hobin. "If that involves bringing your dog to work, bring your dog to work."
Having dogs underfoot might seem to some like a distraction, but advocates of animals in the workplace see quite the opposite.Dogs in the office foster friendlier, more collaborative work environments.At G5, this includes dogs posing as mascots for the company’s various divisions. "Everyone rallies around the dogs," Hobin says.
Employees surrounded by dogs also have a tendency to rally around their jobs.According to a survey of 50 small and large companies by theAmerican Pet Products ManufacturersAssociation in 2008, companies that allow pets in the workplace see a lower rate of employee absenteeism (旷工) and more willingness to work longer hours.
"There are a lot of people who know they have to spend extra hours at work, particularly in this economic climate," saysDebrah Schnackenberg, vice president of emergency services for theAmerican HumaneAssociation. "People feel comfortable spending that extra hour or two at the office when they know their dog is right there with them."
Dog-friendliness may generate more loyalty for the company as a whole. In the last two years, OneCall Now has seen a two or three percent turnover rate. Lurie attributes this small number in part to the office pets. "You ask someone who is in a $12-an-hour job, ’Would you work anywhere else ’And they say, ’No way.’ Where else could I bring my dog to work " he says.
This sense of loyalty stems from a simple concept:Dogs make people happy. "They’re always h

[解析] a dog-friendly person [定位处] 第15段第4句 [解析] 该句提到Lurie的看法:我还没遇到一个对狗友好的人会对客户不友好,由此可知,Lurie认为对狗友好的人也是一个对客户友好的人,故答案为[B]。 [设题分析] 引言处/定语从句处设题。本题解题的关键是理解Lurie提到的never...wasn’t这一双重否定所表达的肯定含义。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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