
解析:Over the years I’’ve spent a fair a

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【分析解答题】Over the years I’’ve spent a fair amount of time hanging out with MichaelDell, and what I noticed during my latest visit with him inAustin is how things have changeD、Yes, he is still unflappable.And yes, he greets me in his new glossy offices with the same Stepford Wife-like grin he has always haD、But he appears thinner now, as if he’’s lost baby fat. While he’’s still slow moving, as if he’’s conserving energy, he now cuts to the quick in conversation.And when he zeroes in on the point he wants to make, when he reiterates whyDellComputer is in a better position than any other P
C、maker in the world, you realize that the 36-year-old has lost what was once one of his greatest advantages: no one underestimates him anymore. Instead, MichaelDell looms over the P
C、landscape like a giant, casting a shadow over all his unfortunate competitors. This is a terrible time in a difficult business. P
C、sales were down for the first time last year.Dell’’s sales will be down, too, also for the first time. Yet even with that, even with recession, even with the threat of a Hewlett-Packard/Compaq Goliath, this is the only P
C、maker you can count on to grow and grow and grow.Almost single-handedly,Dell is forcing this industry to consolidate.Could this mean "game over" in the P
C、biz "Game over "he looks back at me incredulously. "No way. We only have 14% global market share." TheDellites may not admit to "game over" aspirations, but clearly they are thinking of a kind of domination never seen before among P
C、makers. "We think 40% market share is possible, "saysDell’’s No. 2, Kevin Rollins. That’’s a remarkable goal; what’’s more remarkable is that it really is attainable.Don’’t look forDell to hit that kind of number anytime soon. Rather, the company’’s growth will come from grinding out gains on several existing fronts, while shrewdly expanding into new target markets. The reason is simple: there’’s no better way to make, sell, and deliver PCs than the wayDell does it, and nobody executes that model better thanDell.By now most business people can recite the basic tenets ofDell’s direct-sales model.Dell machines are made to order and delivered directly to the customer. There is no middleman. The customer gets the exact machine he wants cheaper than he can get it from the competition. The company gets paid by the customer weeks before it pays suppliers. Given all that, the company that famously started inAustin out of a University of Texas dorm room now dominates the northern side of this city the way giant steelworks once lorded over old mill towns.Dell has some 24 facilities in and nearAustin and employs more than 18,000 local workers.Dell did over $ 30 billion in ’’sales in 2000, ranking 48th on the FORTUNE、500, ahead of names like WaltDisney, andDu Pont. Michael is the richest man under 40 in the world, worth $16 billion. Two facts show how well theDell model is working, even in tough times:Dell is on track to earn over $1.7 billion in 2001, taking almost every single dollar of profit among makers of Windows-based PCs.AndDell is gaining market share. That’’s not true for any other major P
C、maker. Quite the contrary. The others are going splat for the same reason thatDell is succeeding: commoditization. The desktop P
C、has become a commodity. That’s great for consumers, who get standardized, easy-to-use, cheap PCs.Commoditization has been going on in the industry for years.Dell, as master of the direct model, spent most of the 1990s operating in techno-Nirvan
A、The P
C、market was growing by 15% plus per year. For its quarter ended January 2000,Dell did a record $ 6.8 billion in sales, up 31% from the previous year’’s quarter. In a sign of things to come, sales growth slowed later in 2000. Then the growth disappeared in 2001. The economic slowdown was bad news for everyone, but MichaelDell and Kevin Rollins, who is increasingly his equal partner in running this business, made sure it was terr
试题答案:The Dell company. 答案解析:根据文章第4段,特别是第3-6句讲了戴尔公司生产,销售以及付款的情况:Dell machines are made to order and delivered directly to the customer.There is no middleman. ...The company gets paid by the customer weeks before it pays suppliers.(戴尔产品按定单生产,直接交付顾客,没有中间商。……顾客向公司付款,几周后公司再向供货商付款。)所以买戴尔计算机的人要把钱付个戴尔公司。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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