
解析:On 10 September 2001,Charles Ingram

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【单选题】On 10 September 2001,Charles Ingram, an officer in theBritish army, became a millionaire — but only for a few hours. That night, he appeared on the UK’’s "Who wants to be a Millionaire" quiz show.Contestants on this show must answer 15 questions correctly, getting larger sums of money each time. If they answer all the questions, they walk away with 1 million. Charles Ingram won his million.But then the program makers decided he had cheate
D、Contestants have to choose one correct answer from four given to every question. Playing back the tape of the show, they heard loud coughs coming from the audience whenever the correct answer was mentione
D、Charles Ingram would then choose that answer.The coughs came from another contestant, Tecwen Whittock, who was a friend ofCharles Ingram’’s wife,Dian
A、The three were soon arrested and onApril 7 this year, they were all found guilty in court by trying to cheat the programme makers of their money. However,Charles Ingram still protests that he is innocent.To the public in the UK, "The millionaire trial", as it was called, was a major source of public entertainment It was more than just a trial. It was a modern morality tale, a story of media, money and gree
D、TV quiz shows have always been accused of causing corruption. In the early days, producers would give the right answers to contestants who seemed to be popular with the audience to increase viewing figures. For many years, prizes on game shows were limited to discouraging cheating. Viewers are supposed to watch just for the pleasure of seeing people get questions right.But program makers eventually argued successfully that competing for large amounts of money made the shows more exciting. From then on, it was only a matter of time before someone came up with an idea like "who wants to be a millionaire " It proved a success. Though only three people have won the top prize, many more have walked away with smaller but still large amounts money. Despite this, the show makes a big profit. It is supported by advertisers and sponsors. The format has been sold on to 106 countries.Also, people who want to go on the show—just to test their knowledge of course — have to apply using a special premium rate telephone line.Each phone call costs them more man one pound — and many make over 1000 calls before getting the chance to go on the show.It seems that many contestants treat the show as a serious business. Read a few encyclopedias, invest some money in phone calls and the returns could be great.Diana Ingram,Charles’’ wife, had already appeared on the show a few months before her husban
D、So had her two brothers. Critics of the show argue that it undermines moral values.Charles Ingram may have tried to cheat, but the show and its makers have a wider responsibility for greed by promoting a "something for nothing culture," they say.Perhaps because of this argument,Charles Ingram, his wife, and Tecwen Whittock were not sent to prison, despite the seriousness of their crime. The Ingram’’s and their friend were not sent to prison partly because________.
A、they haven’’t done anything against moral values
B.the court found they were not guilty of cheating
C.the press argued that Ingram may have tried to commit fraud, but the producer of the show should be more responsible for the misdeeds

D、they haven’’t profited from the whole business


推理题。文章的第八段提到人们对于“百万富翁”节目的批评,认为在欺诈事件中the show and its makers have a wider responsibility for greed by promoting a something for nothing culture,(节目本身及其制作人更该负责,因为他们倡导一种“无本万利”的文化,从而助长了贪欲)。第九段承接上文,说到Perhaps because of this argument(也许正是因为这种观点),其中的this argument指的就是上文的节目和制作人应该付更大的责任一说,所以答案是C。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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