
解析:The author cites the examples of N

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 The author cites the examples of Nicole Kidman and Catherine Zeta-Jones in order to show that______.
A.Western women are more beautiful than Eastern women
B.Hollywood movie stars are the most beautiful women in the world
C.modern views on what is beautiful have been shaped by the Western image of beauty
D.there is no such a thing as a perfect beauty


例证题 本题要求考生判断作者的写作思路,即举例法,问作者举出妮可·基德曼和凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯两位大美人是为了说明什么问题。一般而言,举例是为了说明前面的论点,本文第七段的论点是第一句话“Modern society has adopted a Western image of beauty,influence mainly by Hollywood”即现代社会采用的是西方的美妇形象,主要是受到好莱坞的影响。因此可断定本题答案应选C。 查看试题解析出处>>


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