
解析:A、Robert survived the plane crash.

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、Robert survived the plane crash.
B.All the passengers were killed in the plane crash.
C.Robert was killed in the air crash.
D.Robert is a wonder-working person.


[听力原文] W: It’s a miracle that Robert came out of the air crash alive. M: That’s indeed a miracle. All the other passengers were killed. Q: What do we learn from the conversation [解析] 分析选项可知,对话话题与飞机失事有关,选项中都提到了Robert,故听音时应注意听 Robert是幸存还是遇难。[A]、[C]意思相反,故其中之一很有可能是答案。并且,[B](all…)中包含[C]的内容,因此[A]为答案的可能性最大。对话中女士说“Robert在飞机失事后能幸存真是奇迹啊!”男士说“是啊,确实是个奇迹,其他乘客都遇难了。”故选[A]。came out of the air crash alive≈survive。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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