
解析:A、 A、teacher. B、An interpreter.

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、teacher. B、An interpreter.
C、An editor.

[解析] W: I find pronunciation very hard. Do you think I should aim to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation M: I think, in learning English, the most important thing is to be understood easily. For most learners, it is not necessary to speak like a native speaker. W: [22] But I want to be an interpreter after graduation . I think pronunciation is quite important for me. M: That’s true. [23] For those who want to be teachers or interpreters, an ideal pronunciation is the ultimate goal . W: I find some children do not want to speak English with a native speaker pronunciation. M: In general, children can imitate strange sounds very easily. However, it is true that most children do not want to sound "English" when they are speaking English. W: Yes. I found that too. I just wonder why they don’t want to sound "English". M: [24] I think the main reason is that most of them want to belong to a group . Even if a child can speak English like a native speaker, he or she will usually choose not to—unless the rest of the group speak with a native speaker pronunciation. W: Adults usually find pronunciation very difficult, though they try very hard to imitate the native speaker pronunciation. M: But if an adult really wants to achieve a native speaker pronunciation, he or she can. W: Really This encourages me greatly. But I still find it’s hard for adults. I don’t know why. M: [25] I think the main reason is that adult students have a strong sense of national identity . W: I don’t quite understand it. M: They want to be identified as a German or Brazilian speaking English. In my opinion, this sense of national identity is more important than other explanations, such as the greater anxiety of adults or the effect of their own language habits. W: Maybe you are right. Anyway, I will try to perfect my English pronunciation. 22. What does the woman want to be in the future [预测] 选项表明本题考查某人的职业。 [解析] 细节题。女士在but转折句后明确提到,她毕业后想成为an interpreter(口译员),故答案为B)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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