
解析:Male lions are rather reserved abou

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】Male lions are rather reserved about expending their energy in hunting. More than three-quarters of kills are made by lionesses. Setting off (1) dusk on a hunt, the lionesses are in (2) , tensely scanning ahead, the young lions fall playfully behind, and the (3) bring up the rear, walking slowly, their massive (4) nodding with each step as if they (5) with the whole matter.But (6) may have survival value. (7) lionesses busy hunting, the males (8) as guards for the young, (9) them particularly from hyenas (土狼).
Hunting lionesses have learnt to take advantage of their (10) .Darkness (11) them with cover, and at dusk they (12) wait near animals they want to kill (13) their outlines blend into the surroundings. Small prey (猎物) present lions with no (14) . They are simply grabbed with the paws.A、 (15) technique is used with (16) animals, such as wildebeest ( 角马). Usually a lioness pulls her prey down (17) running up behind (18) , and then seizes it (19) the throat. Or she may place her mouth over the muzzle (动物之鼻口) of a downed animal, (20) it.
A、at B、with
C、by D、of

[解析] 惯用搭配题。by表示媒介,与catch,seize等动词连用表示以身体的某个部位作为对象,在这个部位前用定冠词the,所以C正确。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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