
解析:A、 A、small private church-owned un

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、small private church-owned university in the state.
A、small public university in other states.
A、big private school inEurope.
A、big public university in New York.


[听力原文]23-25 W: I can’t believe that we’re almost out of high school. M: I can’t either. What are you going to do next fall Go to college W: Yes, but I can’t decide where to go. M: Do you want to go to a big university or a small one W: I think I’d rather go to a small university, so the classes wouldn’t be so large. M: Do you want to go out of the state or stay here W: I want to stay in the state, so I will be close to home. M: It sure would be nice to be close enough to come home on weekends when you want to. How about a public or private university W: Well, I like the atmosphere of a private church-owned school. The students are more serious about school, and there isn’t a lot of partying. M: Yes, but private universities are so expensive. How are you going to pay for it W: I’ve applied for a music scholarship, and my parents will be able to help pay for some of the expenses. What about you What are you going to do after graduation M: I’m going to Oregon State University. W: Oh, I know a lot of kids who’ve gone there and really liked it. Why did you choose it M: Well, a lot of my friends are going there. And the school has a good teacher preparation program. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. W: I hear they have a really great football team. M: Yes. It’ll be fun to go to the games. I’m really excited about the social life at college. W: Well, good luck. M: Yes. See you later. 23. What kind of university does the woman want to go to document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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