
解析:A、It is run by Mrs. Winter’s husba

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A、It is run by Mrs. Winter’s husbanD、
B.It hires Mrs. Winter as an adviser.
C.It gives a 30% discount to all customers.
D.It encourages husbands to shop on their own.


[听力原文] M:Mrs.Winter, I need your advice.I want to buy a dress for my wife.Can you tell me where I can get one at a reasonable price W: Sure! Go to Richards. It has the latest styles and gives a 30% discount to husbands who shop alone. Q:What do we know about the Richards store 综合理解题。男士说,“温特太太,我需要你的建议.我想给我妻子买一条裙子。你能告诉我在哪里可以买到价钱比较合理的吗 ”根据女士的话意:Richards商店有最新的服装款式而且给单独购物的husbands打七折。由此可见,选项D)“这家商店鼓励男士单独去那里购物”是正确答案。其他选项: A)由温特太太的丈夫经营;B)他雇温特太太当顾问;C)给所有的顾客打七折。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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