
解析:It can be inferred that France's v

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 It can be inferred that France's voting to the proposed constitution might______.
A.take place ahead of the original schedule
B.accept it under the pressure of government
C.produce great effects to presidential elections
D.have little possibilities to approve it


推理题。题目问的是:从文中可以推出法国对提议宪法的投票可能 ______。文章最后一段最后一句提到:And it is surely not a good sign for the constitution's supporters that a recent poll by the Journal du Dimanche showed that 46 percent of the public is still undecided as to how they will vote,with only 25 percent certain that they will vote oui“近期由 Dimanche 杂志所组织的一次投票表明46%的公众仍然未决定他们将怎样投票,只有25%的人确定他们将投赞成票,这对那些宪法的支持者来说确实不是一个好迹象”。由此可推知[D]“不大可能通过它”是正确的。 [A]“比原定的日程提前举行”、[B]“在政府的压力下批准它”和[C]“对总统选举产生很大的影响”都与文章的意思不符。 查看试题解析出处>>


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