
解析:Buy NothingDayThe day after Thanksg

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【分析解答题】Buy NothingDayThe day after Thanksgiving, all the world (at least in the US) goes shopping. InAmerica this is the biggest shopping day in the entire year, known asBlack Friday, which sounds dire, but evidently derives from the fact that storekeepers lose money all year and this is the first day in which they finally get into the black which means to make money. Some stores also call it Green Friday. It’’s the biggest day of the year for retailers, when shopkeeper’’s can measure what their take is going to be this year, and the holiday spirit flows as fast as the cash registers can ring it up.Gifts, decorations, candy and magazines disappear quickly, and woe to the retailer who doesn’’t have as much in stock as the consumers want. "Buy it now" is the phrase of the day-and people have been doing just that for years, egged on by the industry that begins advertising and decorating earlier and more elaborately each year. This is about waste, conspicuous and excessive consumption and being manipulated by advertising to spend more than we have on things we don’’t need-all ideas we support and promote. What shall we do Then along comes something like InternationalBuy NothingDay, a day when people around the world pledge to themselves to buy absolutely nothing for 24 hours.Always a day later than the US Thanksgiving day in most nations, there are activities, celebrations and demonstrations of various kinds against over-consumption.People are encouraged to not make any purchases throughout the entire day. The idea is to increase participants’’ awareness of their spending habits and to think about mass consumerism and its effect on the cultural and natural environment of the worlD、The famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view)Adbuster’’s Magazine and the firstBuy NothingDay were both started by a man named Kalle Lasn, an advertising executive turned anti-consumerist activist. He produced the ad that the networks wouldn’’t run. He tried to buy air time for it over and over, but was turned down, with remarks to the effect that "there’’s no law that we have to" and "it’’s in opposition to the current economic policy of the United States."But we do have TV ads.TheBuy NothingDay TV ads of US
A、tell us:"Leave your wallet at home and celebrateBuy NothingDay, the annual revolt against consumer culture.""...The average NorthAmerican consumes five times more than a Mexican, ten times more than aChinese person, and thirty times more than a person from Indi
A、""We are the most voracious consumers in the worlD、..""...a world which could die because of the way we NorthAmericans live...""Give it a rest onBuy NothingDay." But at TWHQ (Treehugger World Headquarters) people were seriously conflicted about the idea ofBuy NothingDay — members spend their time promoting eco-retailers and designers who need customers, not boycotts.Eire said, "Black Friday is also an important day for our eco-gift maker friends. The holidays are the time when they get to show their stuff and make the money they need to get through another year of competing in this crazy Walmarket. We have put a lot of energy into the gift guide and so have the awesome vendors who sent us stuff to help promote eco-friendly holidays to the press. I think they deserve our support this time of year, with gift guides and other promotion that we can offer."Some people suggest: "Buy NothingDay" is about rampant consumption of over packaged, blister wrapped rubbish. We should not be one dimensional about this. Which is better for the planet
A、For one day nobody buys anything (next day they hop in the car and head off to the mall as normal) or B、Everybody buys a bicycle on that day.How to expand the message:Buy NothingDay People at TWHQ suggest:— buy something from store — unwrapped, environmentally-friendly— buy a subscription toCS
A、organic produce box— buy membership to a car sha
试题答案:frightened and angered 答案解析:本题答案在倒数第三段。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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