
解析:Napping is one of the best, most un

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】Napping is one of the best, most underused tools for busy people. It is frowned (62) by many people and is viewing as something for the elderly and children. Mention napping and you could be seen as lazy, depressed and (63) to work. The majority of people experience drowsiness in the afternoon and notice their productivity and (64) starting to slip and napping will help (65) this and fight the (66) of fatigue such as stress and a lack of mental (67)
Research on napping is (68) showing positive effects. The results suggest, for example, (69) napping can make you more (70) , reduce stress and improve (71) functioning compared to working all day without rest.A、mid-afternoon sleep means that productivity can last long into the night.
Finding 15-30 minutes in a day can sometimes seem difficult, (72) , doing so could mean a great deal to your productivity.Even 10 minutes a day will be better than nothing at all, and may give you the (73) you need to be successful. If you want to give it a try, make sure you can find a (74) place before setting your head down. If you can feel secure and let go, then the nap will be even more (75)
A、lot of people who wish to start their own businesses but are currently working 9-5 will benefit (76) a nap. The majority of the work on their own business will be done after 5pm and it is hard to stay (77) and inspired at this time. Taking a nap during a (78) at work or just after finishing Work could (79) increase your (80) levels, allowing you to (81) your own business after the 9-5 grinD、


[一点即通] 固定搭配题。本处意思是:很多希望自己创业但目前正做着朝九晚五工作的人也会从小睡中受益。benefit from意为“从…中受益”,故选B)from。 [避错指导] benefit不能与其他选项中的介词搭配。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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